Saturday, October 30, 2004

Book TV on C-SPAN

A talk and Q&A session I gave a few weeks ago at Seattle's Elliott Bay Book Company will be broadcast on Book TV on C-SPAN2 on Monday, November 1 at 7 pm Eastern Standard Time. The subject was why and how the US invasion of Afghanistan was every bit as unjustified and oil-motivated as the attack on Iraq.

P.S. Thanks to several Friends of Rall for emailing me corrected URL information.
Three Years Later

Well, well—Osama's back, and just in time for Halloween! And he's got something new for Americans: an admission of involvement in 9/11, something that until now we've had to take the Administration's (cough) word (hee hee!) about. Perhaps Colin Powell will cough up that white paper he promised back in September 2001 showing the government's evidence that Al Qaeda was involved. (Egyptian Islamic Jihad, of course, recruited the hijackers. But you already knew that. Didn't you?)

Thursday, October 28, 2004

A Couple of New Interviews

Two new interviews with yours truly have just been published.

Genius cartoonist Stephanie McMillan ("Minimum Security," ATTITUDE) asked all the right questions for Fort Lauderdale City Link.

There's also an interview for the Comixpedia Community, in which I responded to questions posed by community members.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

West Coast Book Tour

If you live on the West Coast, I look forward to meeting you at one of these upcoming appearances. Changes and additions will be posted here should they occur.

October 15

Time TBA

Friday Harbor/San Juan Islands


Will include slide presentation

October 16

12 noon

Elliott Bay Books

101 South Main Street

Seattle, Washington 98104

(206) 624-6600

October 17

Danger Room Comics

201 West 4th Street

Olympia, Washington 98501

2:00 pm: I will be interviewed and take questions and answers from the audience in the banquet room at Plenty (200 4th Avenue West, corner of 4th & Columbia, across the street from Danger Room).

3:30 - 5:00 pm: I will be signing and sketching at Danger Room Comics

NOTE: This appearance may be broadcast nationally via C-SPAN.

October 19

8 pm

NOCTURNAL (sponsored by Reading Frenzy

1800 E. Burnside

Portland, Oregon 97205

Please note address - NOT at Reading Frenzy's store, but at Nocturnal

They, not I, call it the "Ted Rall Book Release Extravaganza"!

Ted Rall, Jefferson Smith, and a special guest from City Hall!

Join Reading Frenzy for an evening of civic engagement and political activism with cartoonist/commentator Ted Rall, author of Wake Up, You're Liberal! (Soft Skull, 2004) and Generalissimo El Busho (NBM, 2004). Ted will be joined by Jefferson Smith of The Oregon Bus Project, and one of our favorite public officials (TBA)! Speakers will be followed by a lively Q&A session, and book signing. A few of our favorite local community organizations as well as some of Portland's finest political cartoonists, such as Kevin Moore and Scott Bateman, will be on hand to display and discuss their work.

October 20

7:30 pm

Modern Times

888 Valencia Street

San Francisco, California

October 22-25: Los Angeles-area appearance

October 26: Possible Las Vegas appearance

Monday, October 4, 2004

New York Times Book Review: EL BUSHO Rocks!

The New York Times Book Review has reviewed GENERALISSIMO EL BUSHO: ESSAYS AND CARTOONS ON THE BUSH YEARS. And they like it!

Here's what they wrote in yesterday's issue:

THE BOOK: ''Generalissimo el Busho: Essays & Cartoons on the Bush Years,'' by Ted Rall (Nantier Beall Minoustchine).

WHAT IT'S AIMING FOR: Overthrow of the United States government.

WHAT IT ACHIEVES: Oddly, some valuable historical perspective.

ANALYSIS: Ted Rall, a cartoonist and columnist for Universal Press Syndicate, is more hostile to President Bush than most members of Saddam's inner circle, as this collection of his work from recent years makes scaldingly clear. There's nothing really humorous here; the satire mixed into Rall's screeds is far too bitter for that. In a piece from October 2002, he calls the military mission in Afghanistan ''Operation Enduring Failure.'' In another 2002 piece, he refers to the Bush administration as a ''circus of hypocrites.'' The best part of the volume, though, is its earliest material, centered on the 2000 election. Rall, unlike practically everyone else, allowed the president no honeymoon. He labeled the election stolen early and often. The resolution of the whole mess was far too casual for his taste; there was, he felt, too much at stake. Given all that has happened since, it appears he was right.

NUMBER OF TIMES IT'LL MAKE YOU LAUGH OUT LOUD: None. The fume-o-meter, however, for both pro-Bush and anti-Bush readers, will be close to exploding.

BETTER USES OF THE $19.95: None.