Sunday, August 1, 2004

Clarification on West Coast Book Tour

People have written to ask whether I'll be doing a book signing in their city. In general, the answer depends on whether or not your local newspaper runs my cartoons and/or columns. I've discovered over the years that turnout is far too low in cities where I have a local paper to justify the travel and other expenses associated with setting up an event.

A base paper makes people aware of my work, runs listings or a full-length article and may even kick in money to make the event happen. This is another reason that the Internet is evil; it encourages people to read my work online, where I don't get paid, rather than ask their local paper to carry me.

Don't get me wrong: I'd love to visit every major city. But I don't want to squander my publishers' money for signings where 3 people show up.

The exception to the above: if a group willing to buy substantial newspaper advertising wants to sponsor a speaking event, that can be worthwhile for all concerned. However, I charge an honorarium for appearances unrelated to a book tour.

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