Monday, September 12, 2005

Not One Liberal on National Network or Cable News TV

In my column a couple of weeks back I noted that there isn't a single liberal hosting a TV show on cable news TV (CNN, MSNBC or Fox) or network TV (ABC, CBS, NBC or PBS).

Cadat asks:

You said there isn't a voice from the left on Cable?
On the Sundance channel there is, at 11:30pm Monday through Friday.
Course, it's not exactly primetime your-own-channel multi-million dollar budget Fox, but its still something. Still worthy of note I'd think. I'd hope anyway. Btw, I liked your recent Baghdad New Orleans oil comic. Good stuff. Thanks.

I don't get the Sundance channel, but isn't Franken's show just a televised version of his Air America radio show, sort of like Howard Stern's "TV" version of his radio show? Anyway, Sundance isn't cable news so my statement stands. And it's very low profile compared to O'Reilly, Scarborough, etc.

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