Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Its out! The first copy of my webcomics anthology arrived at NBM Publishing yesterday and it's a beauty. Fans of the first two ATTITUDE anthologies will be amazed that I found 21 more cartoonists of the same high caliber and talent. And if you're into or interested in finding out about webcomics, this is the ONLY primer out there. If you order from Amazon now you should have your own copy hot off the press within a week or two. Be the first on your block to own this incredible collection of cartoons by, interviews with and ephemera about some of the most ass-kicking Internet-based cartoonists.

P.S. There's a group signing and panel discussion of ATTITUDE 3 cartoonists in New York City at 7 pm on April 27: Kim's Mediapolis, Broadway and 113th Street.

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