Thursday, July 6, 2006

Muslims 85% More Moral Than Western Leaders

Nearly five years after 9/11, add Great Britain to the list of Western Countries That Still Don't Get It. Buried amid the pile of usual handwringing over "homegrown" Muslim terrorists in today's New York Times is this:

An opinion survey published Tuesday in The Times of London, for instance, said 13 percent of British Muslims believed that the bombers should be viewed as "martyrs" and that 7 percent felt suicide attacks on civilians were justifiable.

Another recent survey by the Washington-based Pew Global Attitudes Project found that 15 percent of British Muslims believed violence against civilian targets could "sometimes" be justified.

We're supposed to be shocked, right? All I could think about, after I read the above, was how shockingly low those numbers really are. Compare these two factoids:

First: 7 to 15 percent of British Muslims think it's OK to murder civilians

Second: 100 percent of British prime ministers and American presidents think it's OK to murder civilians

Why isn't there an analogous article about that?

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