Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Now He IS a Sore Loserman

I got your Joementum right here, Mr. Accessory to Mass Murder.

Yesterday's primary defeat of DINO Joe Lieberman was great news for the voters of Connecticut, the United States and the Democratic Party, which has finally begun the process of being reclaimed by the ordinary hard-working Americans it abandoned beginning with the rise of proto-DLC centist guv Jimmy Carter and culminating with the pro-war votes of innumerable elected Democrats in recent years.

Anyone who doubts that Lieberman was a Democrat need only consider his decision to run as an independent despite his defeat. So desperate to maintain his position and serve the monied interests of the Bushite Republicans is he that he's willing to split the Democratic vote and risk electing a Republican instead. His career may be in ruins--his reputation certainly is, for casting vote after GOP vote--but this tack may bring down the party system once and for all.

Funny, I don't remember liberals weighing in on which candidates Republicans ought to elect in their primaries. Yet Republican-aligned pundits have oh so helpfully suggested that a move left by the party spells defeat in November. Somehow, I doubt that. The Democratic Party lost its soul a while back. Finding it can only help with the electorate.

As for Joe Lieberman, one hopes that he will use the spare time, not to further undermine the Democratic Party that foolishly supported him all these years, but to prepare for the trial for mass murder that will someday confront every politician who voted for two illegal wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, if there is a God.

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