Monday, November 6, 2006

Offer: Get Your Editing Ya-Yas Out, Earn a Sketch

Before it came out, a dozen people (including me) read my tome SILK ROAD TO RUIN several times each. And yet there are still typos in the first edition!

Soon it will be time to go back to press, and I'd like to fix as many typos as possible for the second printing. Here's where you come in.

For each NEW typo you find, I'll draw a sketch of anything you request (unless it's offensive or too hard, in which case I'll draw Bush or something) and mail it to you. Simply e-mail your typo (example: "On page 166, second paragraph, there's a "the the"...) to Use the subject line "Silk Road Typos."

The only catch: Only one sketch per typo. If someone else has already submitted your typo, you're out of luck.

Special bonus offer: Find 15 errors of spelling and/or grammar and/or fact, get the original artwork for one of my recent syndicated cartoons. (OK if the 15 include errors submitted by others previously.)

Offer expires when I say so.

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