Friday, December 8, 2006

Need iPod, Will Sell Originals Cheap!

A few years ago I made this deal to finance an iPod--buy three originals, which usually go for at least $300 each, for $500 total. I even threw in a couple of signed books. Now my iPod is history, a victim of the faulty disc error that plagues the device. Since I was too cheap to spring for Apple Care, I'm not covered by the warranty. But I desperately need another iPod, so I'm offering the deal again:

$500 gets you 3 originals (provided, of course, that I still have them), plus a couple of signed books. Email me at for payment details; this is a first come, first serve kind of deal.

This time I'm buying AppleCare. And please, no emails about how cool non-iPod MP3 players are--I'm sure they are, but I don't have time to transfer all 12,000 songs from the Apple-friendly format to MP3s.

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