Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cartoon for February 5, 2009

Why not treat recipients of corporate welfare the same way we treat regular welfare recipients--who receive a mere $110 per week on average (for a family of three)?


  1. Goodnews Marxists! B of A stock is on it's way to zero! Who in their right mind would invest in a company when they could be wiped out when and if B of A is nationalized.

  2. Oh, God yes! Put 'em on workfare and make 'em clean the streets!

  3. B of A stock going to zero, but the execs still keep all the doe they took home.

  4. We should simply copy Sweden and nationalize the banks. Also, they have found that a funny thing happens when people have real unemployment benefits:
    1)You can let failing businesses FAIL.
    2)Your economy is not destroyed by loss of consumers
    3)Only the best businesses survive, increasing their ability to compete globally.

    The benefits of this should be obvious to anyone.

  5. It's easy to use names as insults, i.e. Marxists, when one is unable or too ignorant to understand the catalyst. Nothing can exist in a vacuum. Dorme bene...

  6. Yeah Anonymous,(nice to know you stand behind your opinions), was those nasty marxist bankers that destroyed B of A in the first place.

    If only they had let free-market capitalist bankers run B of A, then none of this would ever have happened!

  7. Yep, nobody ever gets to buy shares in nationalized companies. Nope, never happens. Ever. Except when it constantly happens.

    Read a book, clown.

  8. hey anon? what did they do with all those deer?

  9. Angelo, you are absolutely RIGHT!!! The whole capitalist market is nothing but retooled feudalism until you account for everybody's welfare and security. As soon as you do that, people are free to be entrepreneurs because they're not panicking over health insurance tied to their crappy McJobs, they can actually live a real life.

    What we are doing in the United States is still arguing over 18th Century monarchy vs. 19th Century robber-barons. It's absolutely absurd and you are right, the Swedish model makes complete sense for everybody who takes the time to look around and see if someone else does a better job than us.

    The problem is the myth that accepting we should do better is unpatriotic, unamerican. We are the greatest nation on earth. That gets reinforced dozens of times every day.

    As for buying shares of B of A stock. Absentee "ownership" of property is what is destroying the planet and the moral fabric of society. I know, I'm a socialist, go ahead, get it out of your system. Absentee ownership of property is the root cause of unethical behavior in business, because it places the highest value on profitability at all costs, and dismisses any ethical and moral responsibility from the "owners." If shareholders went to prison when companies acted unethically, people would be more interested in where they invest their excess capital.

  10. Absentee "ownership" of property is what is destroying the planet and the moral fabric of society. I know, I'm a socialist, go ahead, get it out of your system.

    Absolutely right. I mentioned this in another post and the attacks came swift. Most people can't see past the status quo, and consider absentee "ownership" to be a self-evident natural law.

  11. If only they had let free-market capitalist bankers run B of A, then none of this would ever have happened!

    That's right! In a capitalist economy, a bank would not lend to someone who could not repay the loan. Unless of course, the government started meddling and insisting it would guarantee almost any loan by buying them up through Freddie and Fannie.

  12. In other words, it's not just the rabid capitalist economic system and the bought-off and antiquated 2-party political system that cause our problems.

    It's the culture that evolved under them. Orwell was right, he said if you don't somehow change the culture, the changes you make in the laws and the constitution won't stick.

  13. Sweden hasn't nationalized the Banks. The current right wing Swedish goverment has reduced the unemployment benefits. Lots of right wing people in Sweden still see the US as an example to be emulated.
