Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Dean Shouldn't Have Apologized

Gov. Howard Dean will be, with a little luck, the next president of the United States. I like him, but he shouldn't have apologized for his Confederate flag remark.

Only an idiot would choose to misinterpret what Dean said as an endorsement of the Confederacy or its treasonous battle flag, which I have come out against on numerous occasions. What he said, and he's right, is that Democrats need to get working-class Southern men--good old boys, if you will--back into the party. These hard-working guys need to understand that the GOP has played them for fools by dividing Americans by race, when what really matters is class. A poor white guy has a hell of a lot more in common with a poor black guy than he does with a rich white guy, and the Democrats need to spread that message.

That's what Dean was saying, people who attacked him on this damn well know it, and Dean blew it by issuing an apology. Let's hope we've seen the last of this wussish behavior.

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