Tuesday, January 6, 2004

Is Bush a Nazi?

Lately we're being told that it's either (a) inappropriate or (b) untrue to refer to Bush's illegitimate junta as Nazi, neo-Nazi or neofascist. Because, you know, you're not necessarily a Nazi just because you seize power like one, take advantage of a national Reichstag Fire-like tragedy like one, build concentration and death camps like one, start unprovoked wars like one, Red-bait your liberal opponents like one or create a national security apparatus that behaves like something a Nazi would create and even has a Nazi-sounding name. All of those people who see a little Adolf in the not-so-bright eyes of America's homeland-grown despot are just imagining things.

Me, I'm catching it for this week's cartoon for daring to suggest that, well--you know.

Of course, there are differences. Hitler, for example, was legally elected. And he had a plan--not one that I like, but a plan--for the period after the war.

I'll be happy to stop comparing Bush to Hitler when he stops acting like him.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. BRILLIANT. exactly what ive been going by about Bush for alot of my life. I actually am german and know alot about Hitler (( not a fan really )) and i cant get over how much Bush is similar to him. he's gona drive the planet into oblivion. damn tyrant. !!
