Thursday, February 26, 2004

A Few Random Updates

I'm off for a few days to give a speech at the National Press Club, so the blog will be fairly inactive until the weekend. Until then:

There are 3 copies left of WAKING UP IN AMERICA. If you want one, let me know since I'll be checking email.

I'll post information about ALL THE RULES HAVE CHANGED next week. (Hint: it's the same deal if you want a head start.)

Just got the word that REAL AMERICANS ADMIT THE WORST THING I'VE EVER DONE will remain out of print for the foreseeable future, or until I do the long-awaited sequel thereto which I can't even imagine starting to work on considering the 2-3 books I already have in the pipeline. I think Amazon still has a few left at cover price; I don't think I have any.

ATTITUDE 2 has shipped to stores. If you order if from Amazon now ("pre-order," they still say), you'll have it shortly. Ditto if you ask your local bookstore to get it.

WAKE UP, YOU'RE LIBERAL is available for pre-orders through Amazon, with an expected pub date of April 9th.

A reader reminds me to remind you about the Ted Rall Subscription Service, mentioned earlier somewhere down there. For $10/year, you get my toons, freelance projects and columns emailed directly to you, sometimes days in advance of publication. If you want to subscribe for 2004, send the dough in any legal form to Ted Rall, PO Box 1134, New York NY 10027 and don't forget your email address.

People are also asking about my challenge to Republican readers. Incredibly, only one Republican (!) was willing to consider voting for, say, John Kerry, this fall. His condition: that Bush be declared legally and clinically insane. Every other Republican respondent said that (s)he would vote for Bush no matter what--even if he were found to be a mass murderer (which, of course, he is) or rapist (which, of course, his troops are). Republicans have a lot to teach Democrats about loyalty, though I'm not certain that it's a lesson we should want to learn.

I'm still working on putting together the trip to Iraq. It's becoming very difficult to find newspapers willing to front the kind of money that covers the extravagant costs of operating in an active war zone (mainly bribe and transportation money), not to mention compensation for the risks involved. Unless someone steps forward with a few thousand bucks soon, it may not happen.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Update: The Last Signed Copies Ever of WAKING UP IN AMERICA

Just did a final count and as it turns out I've got 6 copies of my first, long out-of-print book, the cartoon collection WAKING UP IN AMERICA (St. Martin's Press, 1992). WAKING UP, which contains my earliest cartoons from 1988 to 1992, is exceedingly hard to find, going for anywhere from $90 to $250 on eBay on those rare occasions when a copy turns up for sale.

If you want one (or more):

1. Send an e-mail to let me know that you'd like to reserve a copy.

2. Send your payment of $35 (check, money order, cash) to: Ted Rall, PO Box 1134, New York NY 10027. Includes shipping within United States.

3. Include a note with your payment telling me how you'd like me to sign your copy.

4. I'll post a notice on the Rallblog as soon as they're gone.

COMING SOON: I'll be unloading the last box of my second out-of-print tome (with cover design by Dave Eggers!)

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Coming Soon: Auctions of TR Ephemera

Let the purging continue! As Ted Rall HQ makes a move to bigger space, the joint is getting turned inside out in search of cool stuff to sell on eBay. Original artwork, rare books, short-run galleys, sketches, you name it, it'll show up here once a week.

Before that happens, though, I'm giving you a chance to put in a special request. If there's some Rall-related item you crave, from an original cartoon to a book you can't find anywhere, to an old Rapidograph pen used to create my stuff, send me an e-mail at on or before February 29. Describe the item and the price you're willing to pay, and if I'm agreeable it's a done deal. You won't have to bid against anyone else and you'll get a first shot before the eBay auctions begin.

Auctions begin in March.
Run, Ralph, Run

I voted for Nader in 1996 and 2000, and he certainly has every right to run this year. "This country has more problems and injustices than it deserves," he says, and it's nice to have someone of Nader's intellect, integrity and prominence to make that point.

That said, I suspect I'm not alone when I say that I'll be pulling the Kerry lever this November. Yes, there's too little difference between the two parties. Yes, corporations are running roughshod over Washington. But George W. Bush is an evil, vicious fascist who must be removed from office at once, ideally via impeachment and jailing. If anything, November is too long to wait, but if that's what's necessary, so be it. John Kerry, while far from an ideal candidate, would return the United States government to the hands of sane, rational, garden-variety tools of corporate corruption--a massive improvement over the concentration camp goons occupying Washington now.

Nader's campaign is to be commended for bringing up issues that were in danger of falling by the wayside after Howard Dean's demise. But voting for it? Maybe in 2008.

Friday, February 20, 2004

A Few Odds and Ends At the End of a Week

I'll be speaking at MIT next week. Which is weird, because (a) MIT is a strange place and (b) my dad went there and (c) they threw me out of Columbia Engineering School.

I'm worried that John Kerry will lose against Bush. He came off like a serious prick on CNN's "Inside Politics" with Judy Woodruff yesterday. Forget Howard Dean's scream, Kerry went ballistic when she asked him about waffling. "Come on! Ask me a question about anything! Iraq? OK!" Look, I can imagine the frustration of getting ripped apart, but the idea is to save that shit for your friends and family. He needs to learn some patience, humor and grace if he stands a chance in November. He made Gore look like a barrel of laughs.

I still have 4 copies of "Waking Up in America." If you want 'em, e-mail

Call me naive, but I bet the U.S. Supreme Court will rule against the Bush fascists on the Jose Padilla case. I fear for America if it doesn't.

Check out the funniest thing I've ever read about myself.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

AWOL or not, Bush Dodged the Draft

As usual, Democrats are missing the point by wallowing in irrelevant details.

Did Bush show up in Alabama in 1973? Did his pay stubs reflect actual service in the Air National Guard? None of that shit matters, because--during Vietnam--National Guard service was dodging the draft. All of this neo-politically correct BS about the National Guard being perfectly equal in risk and patriotism to serving in the infantry 30 clicks from Da Nang needs to go out the window. Tell your local editorial page, tell your friends, tell a Guardsman--serving in the Guard during the 1970s was a way to get out of Vietnam.

Bush went into the Guard, not Vietnam. He dodged the draft. Q.E.D.

P.S. Still have a few copies of "Waking Up in America" left.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

ATTITUDE 2 Shipping Now, Minor Title Adjustment

ATTITUDE 2: THE NEW SUBVERSIVE ALTERNATIVE CARTOONISTS (NBM Publishing, February 2004, $13.95) is the revised title ("Alternative" replaces "Social Commentary" but the book otherwise remains exactly the same).

And this morning a package arrived from NBM containing the first copy of the book, hot off the presses! And it's such a nice-looking book, too: perfect colors, dark blacks, no printing errors that I could find over my first cup of coffee. The mix of cartoons, flowed to perfection thanks to designer J.P. Trostle, is splendid, the interviews better than the first ATTITUDE.

Click the link to get your own copy of ATTITUDE 2 (and, if you don't have it already, ATTITUDE 1!). ATTITUDE 2 includes cartoonists Alison Bechdel, Jennifer Berman, Max Cannon, Barry Deutsch, Emily S. Flake, Marian Henley, Justin Jones, Keith Knight, Tim Kreider, Aaron McGruder, Kevin Moore, Stephen Notley, Eric Orner, Greg Peters, David Rees, Mikhaela Blake Reid, Neil Swaab, Brian Sendelbach, Tak Toyoshima, Shannon Wheeler and Jason Yungbluth.

BOOK REVIEWERS/EDITORS: Contact me to receive a review copy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Waking Up In America Offer Update

Got 10 copies left; let me know if you want one.
Send Me To Iraq

Every right-winger in America will get their wish if I succeed in pulling together enough journalistic commissions to make the trip to Iraq in time for next month's anniversary of the US invasion. Unfortunately it's not always easy to find daring editors willing to fund an award-winning war correspondent's expensive journey, so if you're an editor or you have a friend who is, please get in touch. The gameplan is to hit Baghdad for a few days to get over jetlag and hire a translator and driver, then to head off into the remote southwestern desert--where few American reporters have gone--to find out what ordinary Iraqis think of us.

My email is if you have a lead.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Limited Offer: The Last Signed Copies Ever of WAKING UP IN AMERICA

It's clean-up time and you're the beneficiary! I've got 20 last copies of my first, long out-of-print book, the cartoon collection WAKING UP IN AMERICA (St. Martin's Press, 1992), and these bad boys have got to go. True Rall fans know that WAKING UP, which contains my earliest cartoons from 1988 to 1992, is exceedingly hard to find, going for anywhere from $90 to $250 on eBay on those rare occasions when a copy turns up for sale. The cheapest copy on zBooks is $95 right now.

Caveat: St. Martin's virtually refined "shoddy production" with this title. They scanned the cartoons at the wrong resolution, left date codes intact and generally didn't give a shit about doing a decent job. And the cartoons reflect my, er, development as an artist (if you think I don't draw well now, in other words, check this out). That said, completists and those interested in my earliest published work--i.e., people who have been searching out WAKING UP since they can remember--will want these.

Here's the deal:

1. Send an e-mail to let me know that you'd like to reserve a copy.

2. Send your payment of $35 (check, money order, cash) to: Ted Rall, PO Box 1134, New York NY 10027. Includes shipping within United States.

3. Include a note with your payment telling me how you'd like me to sign your copy.

4. Yeah, I'm price gouging. That's my reward for holding on to these books for so damned long. If you wanted to pay the $6.95 cover price, you missed your chance back in 1992 when it would have been appreciated. Or you can always buy a copy on eBay--heh.

5. As soon as I have 20 reserved copies, I'll post a notice on the Rallblog.

MY GUARANTEE: You won't spend 35 bones on this book only to see me republish it next year. I have no plans or interest in republishing this title, and I own all the rights.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Full Pre-Order Info for WAKE UP, YOU'RE LIBERAL

There is now complete pre-ordering information, including a chapter listing, for WAKE UP, YOU'RE LIBERAL: HOW WE CAN TAKE AMERICA BACK FROM THE RIGHT (Soft Skull Publishing, April 2004, $14.95) at Amazon.

This is my first 100% prose book, my first full-length political manifesto. It's all-new material and will be one of the most talked-about books of this hotter-than-hot political season. A must for liberals, conservatives and anyone else who cares about America--pre-ordering now ensures that you'll get your copy before anyone else.

BOOK REVIEWERS/EDITORS: Contact me to receive an advance review copy.

"Worst Thing" Sold Out

My award-winning first graphic novel, REAL AMERICANS ADMIT: THE WORST THING I'VE EVER DONE!, is now officially sold out.

Will there be another edition? That's up to you. There were all of 9 copies left at Amazon as of this morning. If enough people order these anthologies of people's answers to the question "what's the worst thing you've ever done?", we'll go back to press.

If not, let's not hear any whining.

All too many "fans" claim they want new books of one type or another and then fail to support them when the artists give the people what they want. Me, when I find something cool--especially from an independent publisher--I buy up a dozen copies and hand them out to pals as gifts. If you're serious about an artist or band or whatever, prove it. Drop a few bucks on material you believe in.
Republican Challenge Results

Only one (!) of the countless conservative readers of the Rallblog says he would consider voting for the Democratic nominee this fall over George W. Bush. The reason he'd so so? If Bush were declared clinically insane, presumably by experts.

Compare this attitude to that of Democrats. When Bill Clinton was caught commiting perjury, many libbies--me included--came out in favor of impeachment. For us, the Constitution and the rule of law came before any one man, even if he was a Democrat (though not much of one).

Republicans obviously don't feel that way. Even if Bush were caught molesting children and small animals, they'd come up with some justification and pull the "R" lever anyway. I'd be tempted to decry their lack of patriotism and integrity, but what's the point? Their singlemindedness allows their minority party to defeat our majority party.

More on this in WAKE UP, YOU'RE LIBERAL.

Sunday, February 8, 2004

Bush's Self-Appointed Intel Panel

Bush's newly-announced panel of second-rate experts to look into the issue of bad Iraq inteligence is like investigating the gun industry after a convenience store robbery turns lethal: it misses the point. Intelligence agencies didn't "hype" the Iraq threat; the administration misrepresented their intelligence to do so.

What's really needed here is a Watergate-style special prosecutor with full powers to subpoena anyone and anything he wants to investigate how and why Bush Administration warmongers lied about Iraq's fictional weapons of mass destruction to stampede an initially reluctant American public into an unwinnable, unending war in which more than 500 Americans have been killed and more than 3000 wounded.

Ken Starr, call your office.

Saturday, February 7, 2004

ATTITUDE 2 Now at Printers!

ATTITUDE 2: THE NEW SUBVERSIVE SOCIAL COMMENTARY CARTOONISTS (NBM Publishing, February 2004, $13.95) is now at the printers. Initial copies should start hitting stores around February 28th and should be on most shelves nationally by the middle of March.

Please pre-order this awesome collection of interviews and cartoons by 21 more cool cartoonists: Alison Bechdel, Jennifer Berman, Max Cannon, Barry Deutsch, Emily S. Flake, Marian Henley, Justin Jones, Keith Knight, Tim Kreider, Aaron McGruder, Kevin Moore, Stephen Notley, Eric Orner, Greg Peters, David Rees, Mikhaela Blake Reid, Neil Swaab, Brian Sendelbach, Tak Toyoshima, Shannon Wheeler and Jason Yungbluth.

(Either order it online or ask your friendly local bookseller to get you one.) You'll be the first on your block to get a copy and you'll also help bookstores know that there's a demand for it.

BOOK REVIEWERS/EDITORS: Contact me to receive an advance review copy.

Republican Voters Would Support Bush Even If He Were Caught Giving Oral Sex to Michael Jackson


Only one of my numerous Republican readers has written to say that he would consider voting Democratic this November if something bad were to emerge about Bush.

I'm holding open my challenge another few days to see if any more surface.

I may have stumbled upon something here. Could it be that Republican voters are so pig-headed that nothing could convince them to change their minds? I wish I had $20,000 to commission a scientific poll to find out.
Wait a Minute

Governor Bush says he's chomping at the bit. Can't wait to get back in the fray. Hates the fact that Democrats have stolen all the election-year thunder. Doesn't feel like he gets his side across.

From the New York Times:

"The president's very eager to go out and talk about his policies, the actions he's taken and why it's making the nation more secure," said Dan Bartlett, the White House communications director.

"He's been chomping at the bit for a while to get into the fray," said Charlie Black, a veteran Republican strategist who has close ties to the White House.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't Bush give a televised primetime speech to the nation pretty much anytime he wants? Previous presidents, especially Nixon, used to interrupt my favorite sit-coms so often it got downright depressing.

If Bush wants to talk to us, what the hell's stopping him? The notion that the big bad media is ignoring him while they chase Kerry, Dean et al. is fucking absurd. Almost as absurd as the idea that the CIA is responsible for an intelligence failure on Iraq.

Friday's Paul Krugman column, which detailed the guvmint's Orwellian practice of historical revisionism, was priceless.

Friday, February 6, 2004

Hey Republicans!

Welcome to today's special Bush-supporter interactive blog. If you support Bush and plan to vote for him in November, is there anything that he could do, any revelations of scandal or misdeeds, any policy change, that could cause you to vote for the Democratic nominee?

If so, what?

If not, why not?

E-mail your answers to Best 10 replies get posted here.

Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Let Me Get This Straight

George Bush was in favor of the Vietnam War. Since ascending to the status of Generalissimo, he has started two wars of his own. But when he had the chance to fight for his country, he exploited his daddy's connections to slither into the Texas National Guard. Bush loved the war but didn't want to fight in it.

Meanwhile, as today's New York Times reports, "In March 1969, John Kerry, a 25-year-old Navy lieutenant, reached down from the boat he was piloting in Vietnam's treacherous Bay Hap River and in a spray of enemy fire pulled a soldier out of the water to safety. For his valor, Mr. Kerry won the Bronze Star with a combat "V" and his third Purple Heart." Kerry went on to cofound Vietnam Vets Against the War.

If you're against the war, you fight to prove you're not afraid. If you favor it, you run away to prove you're not stupid.
Ted Rall Subscription Service

You can receive my cartoons, columns and material created for freelance assignments directly to your e-mail box. Another advantage of the subscription service is that you will receive many cartoons up to a week before they appear online, sometimes before they appear in print newspapers. If you're interested, please send a check, cash, or money order for $10 to cover the entire 2004 calendar year to:

Ted Rall

PO Box 1134

New York NY 10027

Important: Please include your email address!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Keeping Abreast

I didn't watch the Super Bowl but I've seen its highlight--the Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake breast-exposure video.

Call me crazy but I don't understand the fuss. It's a breast, people, not televised proof that the President was lying about causes for war. What about the kids--I know, I know.

Well, what about them? If Janet Jackson's boob tube shenanigans are "obscene," what does that make breastfeeding? Americans need to exorcise the ghosts of Puritanism, the original sin of a nation founded by people so uptight they couldn't get along with the English.
Groggy But Alive

Jesus Christ. Food poisioning is a bitch. I've been officially recovered for more than a week but still can barely summon up the energy to get my work out every week. I'm afraid the old unpaid blog has been suffering as a result, and for that I apologize. I still can't say I feel a hell of a lot better, though. Anyway, you may have seen the following post floating around in your e-mail in box:


"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." - President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998"

[many similar quotes from leading Democrats snipped]

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."

- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003


It's an interesting bit of sophistry, and here's how it works:

First up, the time-honored rhetorical device of choosing to believe your enemy when it's convenient. Do Republicans believe that Bill Clinton lied about having sex with Monica Lewinsky? Of course. Yet they choose to believe the former president, whom they repeatedly called a liar, when he claimed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. By their own standards, Clinton's testimony is unreliable. He's a proven liar, so nothing he says should be taken seriously, right?

Second, many of those quotes are old, going back to 1998 and 1999. Most intelligence experts still believed that Iraq had WMDs at that time. The relevant question about Iraqi WMDs, however, concerns whether or not it had them on March 20, 2003, the first day of the invasion. And the Newsweek headline--"We Were All Wrong"--is bullshit. "We" were not all wrong at all. I just finished compiling my essays about the Bush Administration for an upcoming book last night. I found dozens of comments by myself and more qualified experts dating back to 2001 citing the fact that the CIA did not believe there was enough proof to say that Iraq still had WMDs. "We" weren't wrong. In fact, neither were the Bushies. They knew that they didn't have jack for evidence--Colin Powell himself called the charges he listed at the United Nations "bullshit"--but decided to stampede the nation into war nonetheless. Using ancient intelligence to justify new attacks is illogical and immoral.

Finally, many leading Democrats in Congress and the media, either eager to appease GOP warmongers or genuinely misled by Bush Administration liars, joined the call for war that led to the illegal 2003 invasion. At best, they were idiots; at worst they were co-conspirators with the Bushies. John Kerry should be ashamed to have voted with the White House for war. Yes, Virginia, there are evil Democrats too.

The general argument being made, that the war was justified because "everybody"—including Dems—believed Iraq had proscribed weapons of mass destruction, is a another desperate distraction from the central point. Bush, Cheney et al. planned this war back in 1998. The fact that they got a bunch of Democratic simps and liberal fools like Chris Hitchens to go along with them doesn't diminish their responsibility. (Though we should certainly hold the latter equally guilty as co-consipirators.)