Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Democrats Under Siege

As Generalissimo El Busho's polls drop, the Bushies are becoming desperate. Which means that to espouse left-of-center politics these days is a dangerous business.

People like me, Michael Moore, Al Franken and Bill Maher have been targeted by right-wing hate groups and their repugnant anonymous warblogger allies. Their goal is to deny us an income and a voice by deluging our employers with hate email--99% of it from people who don't actually read the publications in which we appear. Because the right can't win the battle of ideas, they're forced to resort to the next best thing: silencing their opponents.

Make no mistake: it's neo-McCarthyism, and it's been in full swing since 9/11.

There is, however, something that you can do.

When you see a cartoon or movie or column or other form of expression that you agree with, don't just smile and turn the page. Send an email or, better yet, a real letter to the editor. Thank them for supporting work you enjoy and/or consider important, and ask your friends to do the same. If you have a website or liberal-minded blog, post a link so other likeminded souls can do the same. And, of course, buy their books. Among cartoonists, readers are notorious for requesting cartoon collections that they don't support by purchasing.

I'm still getting emails from readers of New York Times Digital and MSNBC.com asking where my cartoons went. If these fans and others like them had written to say they liked my stuff when it was still around, they probably wouldn't have to ask now.

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