Friday, July 9, 2004


Yes, this offer remains in force! If you've emailed me already and haven't heard back, my spam filter probably caught your stuff. Please try again. If you haven't, now would be a good time to take advantage of this.

As long as they and I last--probably a month or two--you can buy your copies of my new books WAKE UP, YOU'RE LIBERAL: HOW WE CAN TAKE AMERICA BACK FROM THE RIGHT and GENERALISSIMO EL BUSHO: ESSAYS AND CARTOONS ON THE BUSH YEARS directly from me. And I'll sign the books to whomever you want!

Here's what you do:

1. Send an email to me at letting me know: (a) your address, (b) which books you want, (c) how many of each you want, and (d) how you'd like them all signed. I'll email you back; don't do anything until you hear back from me.

2. Figure out your payment. WAKE UP is $15.95 a copy. Priority mail is $3.95 to anyplace in the United States, so send me $20 (money order or check) for EACH copy of WAKE UP you want. EL BUSHO is available in hardback and softback. EL BUSHO hardback is $19.95 each, so send me $24 for each EL BUSHO hardback. EL BUSHO paperback is $13.95 so send me $19 for each EL BUSHO paperback.

3. Send your payment to:

Ted Rall

P.O. Box 1134

New York NY 10027

4. Payments by cash or money order result in quick shipping, within a week. Checks must clear first, so that means more like 2-3 weeks.

5. EXTRA BONUS OFFER: For an extra $50, I'll throw in a unique 7x10 sketch of whatever I feel like--a rough draft of a published cartoon, an EL BUSHO, whatever. I'll even take a request--but won't honor it unless I feel like it. I will only do this for people who buy at least two books. Price is $200 for all others.

6. I will post notice on the Rallblog when this offer expires.

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