Sunday, September 26, 2004

Ted Rall Book Tour - Week of September 27 - October 3

Tuesday, Sept. 28, 7:30 pm:

I'll be signing my new books GENERALISSIMO EL BUSHO and WAKE UP, YOU'RE LIBERAL at the Barnes & Noble on Sixth Avenue at West 8th Street in Manhattan, New York City. I'll give a brief talk and answer questions. Don't come late; if turnout is low, I leave early.

Thursday, Sept. 30, 7:30 pm:

I'll be joining fellow cartoonists Neil Swaab ("Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles"), Mikhaels B. Reid ("The Boiling Point") and Emily S. Flake ("Lulu Eightball") to sign copies of ATTITUDE 2: THE NEW SUBVERSIVE ALTERNATIVE CARTOONISTS at Kim's Mediopolis on Broadway at 113th Streetin Manhattan, New York City. I'll give a presentation about alternative weekly cartooning, answer questions and then we'll all sign books. Copies of my other books will also be available for purchase and signing. Plus, Kim's is the best video and CD store in New York City.

Friday, Oct. 1, noon - 6 pm:

I'll be sitting at the NBM Publishing table at the Small Press Expo at the Holiday Inn in Bethesda, Maryland. Buy and get your Ted Rall books signed. I'll also have original artwork and other rarities for sale.

Saturday, Oct. 2, 10 am - 6 pm:

Still at Small Press Expo, Bethesda. I'm also sitting on a panel that evening about political cartooning.

Sunday, Oct. 3, noon - 5 pm:

A big day for yours truly! Not only will the first-ever New York Times Book Review of one of my works be running (on GENERALISSIMO EL BUSHO--let's hope they like it!), but I'll be sitting at NBM's table at New York is Book Country book fair on Fifth Avenue.

Book Tour resumes October 15 in Washingon state! Watch this space.

P.S. It's not too late to add your city to my book tour! If you have a good venue in a city where my cartoons or columns run in the local newspaper, email me at

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