Friday, November 5, 2004

Speaks for Itself

A FOR email from this morning says it well. When are Democrats going to wake up and stop running away from the "L" word? You can't outRepublican Republicans--especially not this merry crew

There's no one left. Watch any news channel, read any interview every single Democrat is saying the same thing. "I go to Church," "I'm a Christian," "next time we need a canidate who can speak to the christian conservative." If the new Democratic plan is to replace the conservative Republicans as the Republicans begin to dabble with dictatorship, then who represents me...shouldn't everyone feel represented in a democracy? Shouldn't everyone have a voice? Isn't that the idea? I like to think that when a majority of the people make a decision it's usually a good one, but is this the worst fuck up by a majority of Catholics since Galileo?

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