Thursday, November 4, 2004

Unite? Never!

I received the following missive from a conservative Notre Dame student (anonymity protected in recognition of his all too rare civility in expressing disagreement:

I waited for your blog to be updated on November 2nd. And then on November 3rd.

Finally, today, I see a response and I am disappointed. I did not expect that

you, of all people, could move past the results shown on Tuesday, but I hoped

that you would. I continue to hope that the nation will unite behind Bush--as

well as help steer him on the best path if he moves away from it.

Forgive me for being unforgiving, but George W. Bush is a geocidal maniac. He killed more than 100,000 people. But even if I were inclined to look past his status as one of the worst serial killers in human history--and my heart just isn't big enough, I'm afraid--does Bush strike you as the kind of guy looking for advice and counsel to help him along the best path? Does his idea of the best path seem similar to mine? Yours?

Democrats owe Bush exactly the same level of loyalty and unity as John Kerry would have received from the Republicans in Congress and on talk radio. You remember--the kind Bill Clinton enjoyed, when Rush Limbaugh counted down the days under illegitimate occupation we were suffering under the yoke of Bill. That level of unity.

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