Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Layman's Review of SILK ROAD TO RUIN

There's a solid review of SILK ROAD by a typical reader at the blog Rat's Reading.


  1. Hey Ted. Kind of off topic but do you have any archives of your media appearances that you could post on youtube? A search of your name on youtube pulls up your last appearance on Hannity and Colmes.

  2. As fun as it would be to post my TV appearances here for interested viewers, I'm afraid I can't. Those appearances are copyrighted material, so posting those tapes would be improper.

  3. Hey Ted:

    Been visiting your site for several years now. It's always heartening for this Canuck to read there are sane people south of the border (now if only so many of my countrymen weren't so deluded...). Picked up Silk Road to Ruin yesterday at a convention and I'm already a third through it. I'm loving it even more than To Afghanistan and Back, and I'm definitely buying it for the public library I work at.

    Keep up the good work!
