Thursday, May 31, 2007

We've been too passive and deferential to Iraqi sovereignty
posted by TheDon

I have to admit, that's EXACTLY what I have thought. Good to see that our military leaders on the ground in Iraq are catching up.

from WSJ:

But even the staunchest supporters of the "surge" strategy acknowledge that the U.S. must do more to push political reconciliation in Baghdad among feuding Sunnis and Shiites. One debate roiling Baghdad now concerns whether the political process is stalled because elected officials are merely inneffectual or because they are more interested in advancing their sectarian agendas than in governance. The strategy review conducted for Gen. Petraeus seems to conclude it is a bit of both. The report argues that Iraq is essentially a failed state and that the U.S. must devote far more effort to making Iraq's ministries work, said officials who participated in the review.

"We've been too passive and deferential to Iraqi sovereignty," says one U.S. military official involved in a review of the surge for Gen. Petraeus. It also recommends that the U.S. take a more active role in "isolating the irreconcilable Iraqi government officials from the reconcilable ones" by demanding they be replaced, said the military official who was involved in the review. Stephen Biddle, who served on the panel, said he believes Iraq is in the midst of a low-grade sectarian civil war and that U.S. forces should be used as leverage to compel Sunnis and Shiites to reach an accord.

Because nothing will win the hearts and minds of the people of Iraq, or bestow more legitimacy on their government than having the USofA pick their government ministers. Idiots.

also from that article:

Pentagon officials and the White House are developing rough proposals to begin withdrawing tens of thousands of soldiers sometime next year as a way of defusing some of the public fury over the war and making it less of an issue in next year's presidential and congressional elections.

Nice to know that the main focus is on winning the next presidential election "meeting our moral obligations to the people of Iraq", and "fighting them over there or they will follow us home."

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