Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cartoon for December 11, 2008

First Obama's transition team bogarted the official .gov domain suffix to invent some wacky "" website. Then he invented a fake "Office of the President-Elect." (Yes, federal law provides funds for the president-elect to rent an office. But that's not an official government Office.) What else is he going to stagemanage?


  1. cant they call it an office? should it be a shed? how these things come up anyway? by someone making them up? isnt every idea made up at some point? is it all wrong?


  2. Hmm. That reminds me, when can I get Generalissimo Obamo merch?

  3. We're all just waiting for the next great war to save us from our economic stupidity, just like World War II, Ted. American public discourse since The Great War has been about preparing for World War III, when it didn't happen, it was only a matter of time before we imploded. The mentality is that through war comes economic prosperity. That's the lesson that the Baby Boomer generation tried to fulfill.

    We did not achieve our Great War. History did not live up to the promise. It will be in South Asia, and China will be the heroic savior. This will be their generation to relish in the beauty of post-war glory.

    We are the past, better only in comparison to Russia.

  4. Brilliant. I voted for Him, but as stated before, I semi-regret it already, just because I voted for the lesser of two evils for the first time in my life. The "Office of the President-Elect" seal is comical and infuriating at the same time. I also believe He's lying about not having contact with the Ill. Governor, but that's for another cartoon's comment.

    Coming soon:,,, etc, etc, etc.

    We're doomed.

  5. Of all the things you can complain about with regards to Barack Obama, this is your petty excuse for a cartoon? C'mon, Ted. You're slipping!

  6. More of the same from Ted "Obama Schlobama" Rall. When Obama does things differently, Rall attacks.
    When Obama does things the same, Rall attacks.

    In short, Rall attacks. Obama.
    Expect more of the same from Rall for the next 8 years.

  7. "In short, Rall attacks."

    That's good! Ted holds their feet to the fire regardless of partisan identification, exactly what any respectable political cartoonist shoud do.

    Keep up the good work, Ted!

  8. Yeah, Ted's jealous Obama has a seal already, and he doesn't for his 'Head of the Cartoons' office.

  9. Well I guess its just a few of us Ted. But I have never heard of the office of the President elect. Not even FDR or Lincoln dared to invent such a completely moronic office and they faced a more real crisis.

    Maybe the plan is to put Clinton in office while he runs the country from the President elect office. Then he really won't have a care in the world and have the world to blame.

  10. How dare you tear down my Idol! You've taken free speech too far Rall. The Uncuteness Police will be kicking down your door momentarily.

  11. Dear Mr. Rall:

    Upon visiting your website I was shocked and horrified to learn that you are still producing political cartoons. Everybody knows that, now that a democrat is in office, we can leave politics to the professionals and just spend our time making fun of Rush Limbaugh or whatever. Maybe you could also draw the occassional portrait of President Obama assuming a heroic pose.

    If you continue to persist in your stubborn refusal to leave well enough alone, you will have lost yourself a fan, sir!

    P.S. Obama has not even had his first day in office yet, which means that he has DONE NOTHING THAT CAN POSSIBLY BE CRITICIZED BY ANY RATIONAL OBSERVER.

  12. I think he's just playing to his personal grassroots organization.

    At least he's already getting to work. What did the last guy do? Throw a baseball? Kick a football? Play golf, clear some brush? Hell, what's he doing these days?

    Of course if you disagree with his work and think he's just hell-bent on reducing Americans to the living standards of the neighbors of Somalian pirates, I can see how you'd think that's a bad thing.
