Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cartoon for December 22, 2008

The economy would recover if everyone started spending again. But who goes first?


  1. What goes second and I Don't Know goes third.

  2. I'm going first. The rest of y'all need to get on the stick about it.

  3. The chicken or egg problem for the digital age

  4. The Government goes first :-)

  5. A lot of folks are just one or two paychecks away from being on the street like this guy. Maybe they're waiting til spring to make that final splurge that puts them out of house and home.

  6. More like the Government "volunteered" the American Tax payer to go first.

  7. Anon, if only the Government would go first... For good!
    Back in reality, the new ruling Keynesian consensus will spend its way into making you (its financeer), poorer.
    But don't worry, the NYT is here today assuring us, twice, that a "little" inflation is A-Ok to cure a "little" recession.
    Of course, what prudent people should be doing in times like these is being thrifty and keeping solvent.

  8. Yes it will...Keynes needs to come back and quick.

    - Strelnikov

  9. people going homeless in the last panel still makes be laugh.

  10. Eggs came first. There were therapod eggs long before there was ever a bird, much less a chicken.

  11. American's are forced to cut back while governments at all levels demand more and more to spend. Greed has found a home in government.

  12. Still trying to drown the government -- that is, the country -- in a bathtub, the Mindless Republican continues to call for cutting taxes and services. No matter what the problem, it is always the solution.

    Tell us about how you want to get rid of Social Security again. That is especially amusing.
