Friday, December 31, 2004

Calling All Coulters

America has considered my call-out of my fellow columnist and the results are in: it's nearly unanimous!

Brad writes:

Rall v. Coulter. Preferably on the internet as I don't have cable. Someone (or thing...) needs to put her in her place, especially with her "Christmas Message" on her homepage. "To The People Of Islam: Just think: If we'd invaded your countries, killed your leaders and converted you to Christianity YOU'D ALL BE OPENING CHRISTMAS PRESENTS RIGHT ABOUT NOW! Merry Christmas" Have a good new year Ted and I hope sometime in your life, you get to kick her ass (intellectually and publicly).

But Ann, we DID invade two Muslim countries and kill their leaders. We even sent missionaries to try to convert them to Christianity but alas, they keep getting killed. Yet: no Xmas presents! What's up with that? Besides, Muslims get Ramadan presents--assuming the U.S. hasn't reduced their countries to rubble in the name of liberating their oil--er, them.

America has spoken. How about it, Ann? We could make some cash and have fun at the same time! Have your people call my people. It should be easy, seeing as they're the same people. Unless you're afraid, of course.


Russ writes:

"my desire to see Wendy's become the nation's predominant fast food chain (the fact that McDonald's kicks Wendy's ass proves the intrinsic injustice of capitalism)" Bah, McDonald's and Wendy's both deserve scorn. Perhaps Wendy's more so. 91% of their political contributions go to the Republican party.


I'm actually surprised to see you (apparently) advocating for any multinational corporate fast food chain. What is your take on patronizing big corporations that drive out local businesses? (Wal-Mart being an obvious prime "bad guy" example.) A couple years ago I decided I was sick of the homogenization of Anytown, USA spreading everywhere and I totally quit eating at big national chains and only patronize local restaurants. I thought it would be inconvenient or difficult to convince friends who were dining out with me, but it turned out to be quite easy.

See what happens when you toss off some flippant remark? Russ is right, of course. Hell, I read "Fast Food Nation" too. Obviously all multinational corporations are evil, and fast food joints especially so. They contribute to environmental degradation, cultural homogenization and they underpay their employees. But the point I was trying to make is this: when you're driving on the highways of this great land where there are only burger joints to provide sustinence, you'll find that Wendy's makes better burgers than any of the other major national chains. Far better. And yet they're ranked third or fourth in sales. It's like VHS's victory over Betamax--capitalism does not always choose the superior product, is not efficient, and is not the natural state of human affairs. (What is? Still working on that one.)

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