Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Ted Rall Subscription Service

Alexandria helpfully inquires:

I was reading your work in the Washington Post online until recently. Now I worry, what if Ted Rall keeps actually saying things and more papers drop him? So I want to point out what Michael and Nicole Jantzen are doing for the Norm. They are offering subscriptions to the strip, and if they reach 4000 people Michael Jantzen will keep drawing the Norm. If not, they are refunding the money (all electronic sources like Paypal) minus the processing fees.

Public television stations say that only a small percentage of viewers actually donate, but you are such a necessary voice maybe this approach would work for you.

I don't necessarily want anymore coffee cups, bumper stickers, or tee-shirts, so the cafe-press doesn't appeal to me. I donated to the Norm because the cumulative time I have spent enjoying that strip was worth a fee. I would subscribe to your site using the same reasoning. (Although your styles a wee might different...)

The Times and Post partially aside—both papers still run my work in their print editions—most of my clients continue to be supportive of my work. This is not a THE NORM type situation. That said, it's true that drawing cartoons and writing columns is a shoestring operation from a financial standpoint. So I'm very, very grateful to anyone who wants to support my work financially.

The best way you can do that is to write a letter to newspapers and magazines that you read but don't run me to encourage them to do so.

The next best thing is to buy my books.

You could also buy my original art. (Now I accept PayPal!)

After that, there's the handy dandy Ted Rall Subscription Service, which is coming due, as it does every year, at the end of this month. For a mere $10 per year (did I mention that I accept PayPal?), you can have emailed to you each and every week all three of my cartoons and my columns, plus whatever freelance work I produce. You get the columns as much as a day before they go online, and my cartoons as much as four days before the Great Unwashed Nonsubscribers see them on the Web.

To pay via PayPal:

1. Send me an email at

2. I'll tell you how to pay; after you do, you're signed up.

To pay by cash or check:

1. Send $10 to Ted Rall, PO Box 1134, New York NY 10027.

2. This is important: Send your email address ALONG WITH YOUR PAYMENT.

Trans-Afghanistan Opium Pipeline

Robert writes:

Don't know if you've seen this column on the death of journalist Gary Webb, who looked into Reagan-Bush regime's support of drug trafficking as part of the CIA backed Contras effort. and the complicity of the mainstream media in ignoring the story and attacking the messenger.

Earlier this evening I was looking at a Lisa Ling (National Geographic Channel) report on "The War Next Door" which is basically about the $2 billion US sponsorship of defoliation and anti-guerrilla warfare in Colombia in the last 4 years. Nice cameo by W talking about narco-terrorism and how terrorists fund themselves through drug trafficking. Interesting, given his Daddy's and Reagan's illicit drug trafficking and arms dealing with Iran, the Contras, and the state-sponsored terrorism against the people of Nicaragua and Iraq through Reagan-Bush proxies.

Is it ironic that Afghanistan is now the world's biggest producer of heroin, following the invasion and overthrow of the Taliban? or pathetic? I'm not sure which. Bush's Double-You -Suck failure in Afghanistan - no Osama, and turning Afghanistan back into a contender in the world of narco-terrorism, to use his own terms.

It's entirely possible that reopening the heroin trade was a Bushie war aim in Afghanistan. We certainly know that hunting down Osama (he was in Pakistan, not Afghanistan), taking out the Taliban (we didn't) and getting the 9/11 guys (they were in Egypt and Saudi Arabia) had nothing to do with it.

That said, there's a number of recent news articles, including one titled "Afghanistan Sees Bright Prospects for Trans-Afghan Pipeline" on News Central Asia (, that indicate that the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline project is alive and kicking as a major motivator of the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan.

What happened to Gary Webb is a national disgrace. He was one of America's finest and most honest reporters, punished for nothing more than doing his job. RIP, Gary.

ATTITUDE 2 a 2004 Book of the Year

The UK Guardian newspaper has named ATTITUDE 2: THE NEW SUBVERSIVE ALTERNATIVE CARTOONISTS (edited by yours truly) one of its 2004 Books of the Year.

I have a beef with their one gripe, though:

One gripe, though. President Bush is not a simian idiot (see how easily he turned the key caricatural traits associated with him - stumbling over sentences, etc - to his advantage at election time). Rather, he's the guy who has led a neo-conservative revolution. That's the ugly fact of the matter, and 'subversive' humorists had better get used to it.

Isn't it possible that W. is a simian idiot who led a neoconservative (counter)revolution?

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