Friday, January 7, 2005

Diego Garcia Update

For those who were wondering...

As it turns out, the US naval base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean came out of the tsunami virtually unscathed.

The base's official website explains:

Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory – Navy personnel on board Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean are safe following the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that had devastating effects on Southeast Asia. Facilities and operations were not affected.

Favorable ocean topography minimized the tsunami’s impact on the atoll. Diego Garcia is part of the Chagos Archipelago, situated on the southernmost part of the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge. To the east lies the Chagos Trench, a 400 mile long, underwater canyon that ranges in depth from less than 1,00 meters below the surface to depths that plunge to over 5,000 meters. It is one of the deepest regions of the Indian Ocean.

Diego Garcia is located to the west of Chagos Trench, which runs north and south. The depth of the Chagos Trench and grade to the shores does not allow for tsunamis to build before passing the atoll. The result of the earthquake was seen as a tidal surge estimated at six feet.  

There's also a response to Islamists claiming American failure to warn neighboring Muslim countries of the impending disaster. Basic information about the base is here. MSNBC has a story. So does CNN

So there.

Good Question

Dave writes:

I am curious, are you going to be out of business when a democrat wins a presidential election? I mean, what will you have to doodle about?

Fortunately that hasn't happened since 1964.


Russell points out:

But Ted, you can't fight for gay rights without demanding at least acceptance, if not approval, of the behavior. Which still isn't going to cut it with bigots such as Mike. I read WAKE UP, but frankly, I'm pretty much in despair about improving things. I'd move to Canada, but I hate cold weather and anyway, my people have been here over three hundred years. I had forefathers who fought in the Revolution. Now I'm watching our government turn "liberty and justice for all" into "invade where we please, torture whom we please" while expletives like Mike are more concerned about making sure his gay neighbors are denied the affirmation of love he shares with his wife.

True. But I think acceptance might be a sell. Approval is too much to ask for. Hell, I don't APPROVE of much of anything, even myself.

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