Thursday, January 13, 2005

Pretzel Logic

Lawson writes:

Since the Gestapo hasn't hauled you away yet, and your still able to write your hate America columns, where's the similarity to Nazi Germany? All of the articles on Common Dreams, are absolutely unbelievable. Only in America. Please move.

I replied:

In 1936, the Gestapo hadn't yet taken away all anti-Nazi political opponents. So was 1936 Nazi Germany OK with you?

and I should have added, to make things clearer for his befuddled brain, that an Administration that is trying to turn the United States into a neofascist state is dangerous and well worth commenting upon. The fact that they haven't yet succeeded is mildly comforting but should prompt increased vigilance rather than somnolence.

Snotty David Redux

Brooklyn Steve writes:

If Snotty David intends to be the unappointed grammarian of, he should know that "Just something to think about the next time you decide to grace us all with your pearls of wisdom" is not a sentence but a fragment. This is, of course, an even more fundamental--even "remedial"--error than your misuse of "comprised." As a self-proclaimed critic of professional writers, his not knowing such a simple and easily verifiable item calls into question his entire e-mail, perhaps his entire existence.

Myamnar's WMDs

Nick asks:

Longtime fan; I'll keep it short.

In the Jan 8th "US Invasion Plans" comic, is Burma green on purpose? I'd expected red.

Yes. Burma is strongly believed (by more reliable sources than GWB) to possess chemical weapons. Not to worry, though--we won't invade them because they don't have much oil or gas.

Why Bush Won't Be Impeached

Wrinkle writes:

.....maybe "rejoinder" isn't the right word. anyway, I was reading your blog and I felt I had to respond to one of your readers, who wondered why Americans aren't clamoring for impeachment now that W's "team" couldn't find

WMD's in Iraq. That's a wonderful dream, and very attractive. Notwithstanding the utter legal impossibility of the prospect, what with Rethuglicans controlling all avenues of impeachment, a successful impeachment of Bush would give us a new, far more horrific nightmare in the form of 2 words: PRESIDENT CHENEY. Yeeeesh. a possible bright side to *that*? the FCC might get more lenient towards dropping the "F bomb" on TV to accomodate Cheney's yearly press conferences..... love the strip,

Impeachment is a political, not legal process. It's virtually impossible to convince a Congress controlled by a party to impeach a president of the same party. The founding fathers never anticipated a rigid two-party system; as we've seen since 2000, checks and balances fall apart when one party has control over all three branches of government on both the federal and state levels.

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