Saturday, January 1, 2005

Shoutout: Did Kerry Win Ohio?

Kate Anne writes:

After hearing some twerp on PBS talking about the Dems likely to fight amongst themselves about whether to be centrist or liberal, I thought about your book and the need for Dems to wake up and NOT be "Republican lite". Anyway, I revisited your site and started reading your cartoons.

Kerry needed to win big so they couldn't steal the vote and even the unexpurgated exit polls showed he didn't win big, Still he won -- please see and for their latest election column's SO, I question your IF 70,000 OHIOANS HAD VOTED FOR KERRY. They DID; indeed more than that number did. It should have been IF THEY HAD COUNTED ALL THE OHIO KERRY VOTES -- because the exit polls clearly show that Kerry won. Thom Hartmann says exit polls are never off by .1%. Since election polls showed Kerry won, the Republicans want to ban

them, of course.

Did you know that all of the precincts voting on optical scan machines in New Mexico went for Bush? This is a statistical impossibility. And Ohio wasn't recounted, only 3% of the vote in each precinct was AND most of that wasn't done randomly as election law said it was supposed to have been. (The one precinct where the 3% didn't match, Blackman suspended the recount -- no wonder he's refusing to testify in court.) And they never counted all those uncounted votes the machines missed.....

It is so dirty. Why aren't people in the street like they were in the Ukraine? We believe it couldn't happen here, but it did -- AGAIN. And it will AGAIN AND AGAIN, if we don't put a stop to it. Please read Thom Hartmann's January 2003 (yes, 2 years old now) article on -- or you can link to it from off -- entitled "If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines"

I wish more folks would push the fact that electronic voting is scary indeed. I'm ready to volunteer to handcount elections. Indeed, if they revote Ohio it should be on paper and carefully observed.

I met you at the Porter Restaurant after you spoke on Unfiltered during the Republican convention. I continue to be impressed with your work and would truly appreciate your checking into all of the above.

Like many other Americans, I strongly suspect that the Bushites pulled ballotbox shenanigans in Ohio and elsewhere. The big question is: was the miscounting and electronic voting BS sufficient to tilt the presidency? I've read a lot about this, including the articles referenced in Kate Anne's email, and haven't yet found the evidence sufficiently compelling to put forward in my columns and/or cartoons that Bush stole 2004 beyond the fact that he ran on an unearned incumbency (which still makes him illegitimate). Still, this is important. So I have a request. If you have information or can point me to watertight proof of malfeasance in Ohio and/or other battleground states--especially information containing exact figures--please email it to me at

Also please send information relevant to Inauguration Day protests in Washington so I can promote it here. Patriotic Americans should surround the White House by the millions on January 20 to demand that Bush get the fuck out of Al Gore's house, but they won't. Until we grow a spine, at least we can whine.

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