Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Happy New Year, Ann Coulter

Yesterday I sent the following e-mail to those who promised to support a lawsuit against Ann Coulter.

Earlier this year I contemplated filing a lawsuit for slander and libel against columnist Ann Coulter in order to hold her accountable for her verbal and written statements to the effect that I had entered Iran's contest for cartoons about (presumably denying/mocking) the Holocaust. These statements, though false, prompted people ignorant of Coulter's long history of publishing lies to believe that I was anti-Semitic. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I wanted the chance to set the record straight in court.

One needs to have two things on one's side to win a lawsuit: money and the law. Toward the first end I reached out to readers outraged by Coulter's malicious smears against me and others whose only crime is criticizing the Bush Administration. They—you—didn't let me down. I obtained serious pledge commitments (I asked readers not to send the actual money until and unless I filed a suit) sufficient to make fighting a suit against a moneyed defendant like Coulter feasible.

Because I am opposed to burdening the legal system with vanity litigation, I decided that I would only sue if I had an excellent chance to win. Therefore I asked my attorneys to exhaustively research case precedents relative to slander and libel in New York State and under federal law. Months of research have forced me to conclude that, though a lawsuit against Coulter would certainly withstand initial challenges and motions to dismiss and might ultimately prevail through verdicts and subsequent appeals, the road ahead is too uncertain to justify spending thousands of dollars of pledges, not to mention my own money.

Unlike Bush, I don't enter into battles I'm not certain of winning.

More than ever, I believe that Coulter's attempts to assassinate my character are illegal as well a reprehensible. Unfortunately, she may have sufficiently muddied the waters with her toxic brand of commentary that she might be able to avoid a judgment against her by claiming First Amendment protection as a satirist. If Ann Coulter tells a joke, does anyone laugh? If not, is it a joke?

The interesting legal conundrum for Coulter is that she would have had to testify either that (a) she intended her audience to believe I had entered the Iranian cartoon contest or (b) it was just a joke. She couldn't cop to (a) without getting smacked with a libel and/or slander judgment. If she claimed (b), however, she'd be admitting that she is not, as she presents herself on Fox and other TV networks, a serious political analyst, but rather a comedienne—or attempted one, anyway. It would have brought her ill-begotten career as a talking head, if not to a crashing halt, to a stall. So which is it, Ann? Are you a pundit or a comic? I regret that I'm not going to get to watch her figure that one out at a deposition.

So there's not going to be a Rall v. Coulter—at least not now. Look at the bright side, though—she could still go down for possible vote fraud!
Jonathan Chait in the LA Times

Jonathan Chait's column in yesterday's Los Angeles Times suggests putting Saddam Hussein back in charge of Iraq. Nice thought, or at least I thought so when I wrote it first. (I won't even mention the cartoon I drew about it over a year ago.)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Turkmenbashi Dies: Central Asia on the Brink

The Central Asia-based conflagration that I predict in SILK ROAD TO RUIN began today with the death of the 66-year-old absolute dictator of Turkmenistan, Sapamurat "Turkmenbashi" Niyazov. Niyazov is the first of the generation of Soviet-era Communist Party bosses who ran all of the southern "Stan" republics of Central Asia to die in office since independence in 1991.

Unlike Fidel Castro's Cuba and Saddam Hussein's Iraq, no successor was ever designated and a ferocious power struggle has broken out in Ashkhabat, the Turkmen capital, where the constitutional heir has been arrested by a heretofore unknown deputy prime minister who has seized power as acting president.

Turkmenistan, which borders Iran and Afghanistan and controls the world's largest reserves of natural gas on earth--as well as key refineries and pipelines that process and carry Kazakh crude oil--is entering a dangerous period of political instability. Long-suppressed tribal rivalries and religious schisms will rise to the fore. Though hardly inevitable, a steady decline and eventual civil war are possible and indeed probable.

Energy futures traders are stunned by the news, and higher energy prices will almost certainly result.

Look for Russia and the United States to vie for control of post-Niyazov Turkmenistan through proxies within and outside of the country, and for possible military in intervention by one, or possibly both nations, during 2007.

Niyazov's death marks the beginning of the end of the fragile post-Soviet order in
Central Asia, which has been held together by despotism. The future can only go in one of three directions now: Western military occupation, failed statehood, or--least likely--radical Islamism. The War on Terror is over. The New Great Game is afoot.

The most comprehensive essay ever written about Niyazov is a chapter titled "The Glory That Is Turkmenbashi" in my recent book SILK ROAD TO RUIN: IS CENTRAL ASIA THE NEW MIDDLE EAST?. The book also contains a detailed overview of Turkmenistan and its role vis-à-vis American foreign policy.

Here's a sneak peak at "The Glory That Is Turkmenbashi":

In a region where no one can imagine a president who isn’t an egotistical tyrant, posters of each country’s beloved benevolent despot festoon every police checkpoint and corruption is merely an economical word to describe business as usual, saying that Turkmenbashi’s Turkmenistan sets the standard for autocracy is selling him short. Not only has the Central Asian dictator created the most elaborate and grotesquely comical personality cult since Ptolemy put the pharaohs out of business two thousand years ago, his unique blending of naked greed and breathtakingly obvious stupidity has elevated autocracy to an art form. He has also reduced one of the world’s intrinsically wealthiest nations into a paragon of despair and near universal poverty.

Wherever you travel in this desolate desert nation nestled between southwest Russia and Iran, Turkmenbashi is there. Giant posters bearing his face and his ubiquitous Nazi-inspired motto “Halk, Watan, Turkmenbashi!” (“One Nation, One People, One Leader”) adorn every building, public and private in a country that would otherwise most notable for its meteorological inhospitability to the five million people doomed to have been born there. Signs bearing his quotes and images of the not-so-great dictator’s face are everywhere you turn. Turkmenbashi is on a painting behind the hotel receptionist. He’s on the businessman’s lapel pin, hanging from the taxi driver’s rearview mirror, even on a pendant hanging around the casino prostitute’s neck. He’s on T-shirts, CDs, DVDs, groceries, mosques, his own line of cologne. No one can get away from Turkmenbashi—not even in the desert.

Turkmenistan one of the few countries on earth to not have a river run through it. Its vast Karakum desert is home to animals—cobras, scorpions, giant monitor lizards and zemzen (“land crocodiles”)—that bite and sting and claw with alarming ferocity and regularity. Temperature readings of more than one hundred fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit in the shade are not uncommon; heat exceeding one hundred is standard. There is, however, no shade in this, the westernmost nation of Central Asia. Water is processed and piped in from the oil-fouled Caspian Sea and the Amu Darya river (Alexander the Great called it the Oxus) running along the eastern border with Uzbekistan. Most Turkmen are nomads similar in culture and tradition to the Bedouin. Outside the capital Ashkhabat and a few outlying provincial capitals, Turkmen set up their yurts wherever a few blades of grass poke out of the sand to feed their camels. City life, secularized by seven decades of Soviet rule, features grim mafia-run discos and thinly-patronized English-style pubs with CNN piped in on a time delay so that news about Turkmenistan and its Central Asian neighbors can be intercepted and blacked out. Even the U.S. embassy is isolated; Turkmenbashi cuts off international telephone and Internet service for weeks at a time. Out in the desert, old traditions live on. Women carry their clan’s savings in clunky silver jewelry hollowed out to hold bank notes; touching, much less robbing, a woman, is just cause for murder. Nomadic hospitality, on the other hand, occasionally prompts men to loan their wives to sate the desires of passing travelers. They would, after all, do the same for them. Sometimes they sell them; the going rate for a tribal wife is two to five thousand dollars depending on age, appearance and personality.
It feels like the end of the world. But in the windblown desert, along remote stretches of road that see less than one vehicle daily, immense billboards have been erected to proclaim the glory that is Turkmenbashi. Halk! Watan! Turkmenbashi!
Suicide Girls Interview with Ted Rall

There's an interview with me about SILK ROAD TO RUIN at the Suicide Girls website and another one about my choice of Richard Stevens' Diesel Sweeties at The Daily Cartoonist.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

iPod Offer Gone

A benevolent reader has taken me up on my iPod offer.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Ban the Republican Party

A reader responding to my column "When is a Win Not a Win?" from a few weeks ago has sent me a persuasive case for banning the Republican Party. As in making it illegal for the GOP to hold meetings or run for office. Forever.

It's not as wild as you might thing. Political parties are banned all over the earth. For instance, the Communist Party is banned in Russia and the Nazi Party is prohibited in Germany. The Republican Party hasn't murdered in the tens of millions, but why wait? The current band of GOP criminals, just getting started, has already killed over 600,000 Iraqis. While they're currently on the wane, they're a malevolent influence who will surely return to make America a worse place sooner rather than later.

Anyway, it's tough medicine and I'll have to think about it, but here's John Cutaia's argument for disbanding the Republicans. I love the second and third graphs:

Dear Ted,

Once again, kudos for a fine piece of writing. I would like to add, however, one more goal to the Democratic Party's agenda: Destroy the Republican Party. End it forever.

Democrats should do so by going straight to the American public and pounding on the following charges:

Republicans have attempted to destroy our constitution by tearing down the wall between church and state. They have attempted to subvert our constitution to create a theocracy. The GOP itself is guilty of treason.

Republicans nominated a man unfit for the presidency, a man who lacks the intellectual curiosity, the disposition, and the decency to be president of the United States. They knew he was incompetent when they nominated him. They put the quest for power above the good of the nation. They have committed treason. The GOP should cease to exist as a political party.

Republicans have destroyed our environment. During the 1990s, a critical time during which we could have begun reversing global climate change, they funded corporate pseudo scientists to befuddle the public and browbeat the media into believing, against all reason and common sense, that humans are not responsible for the rapid global
climate change we are experiencing. They have put not just our country but the world at risk. The GOP should cease to exist.

Republicans have been attempting to destroy our public education system for the past 30 years. In doing so, they have attacked the very foundation of our democratic society: An educated populace capable of analytical thought. The GOP deserves to be abolished from American politics forever for this crime.

Republicans have destroyed American foreign policy, destroyed our global credibility, played upon fears to justify a senseless war, and ultimately served as a recruiting tool for terrorists. No political party should be allowed to survive after such a blunder.

And finally Republicans have turned Americans against Americans, families against families, gays against straights, religious against nonreligious. They have preyed on our bigotry. They have appealed to the basest instincts of human nature: To hate what one does not understand.

For all these crimes and more, against our nation, against the world, against the constitution, against individuals, no one should ever vote Republican again.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

San Francisco Book Signing

I will discuss, answer questions about and sign copies of my two new books "Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East?" (NBM, 304 pp. hb $22.95) and "America Gone Wild: Cartoons by Ted Rall" (Andrews McMeel, 168 pp. ppb $13.95). "Silk Road to Ruin," named a Best Book of 2006 by School Library Journal, was described by the San Diego Union-Tribune as "a crash course on Central Asia, essential for anyone who's at all interested in what the U.S. is up to (see: oil, projection of power) in the region, and what's likely in store for us (see: blowback)." "America Gone Wild" features my controversial post-9/11 cartoons as well as a lengthy introduction explaining the origin of and reaction to now-notorious strips about Terror Widows, Pat Tillman, the death of Ronald Reagan and New York firefighters in the year 2011.

Date: Sunday, January 14, 2007

Time: 4 p.m.


Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Fisherman's Wharf
2550 Taylor Street
San Francisco, CA 94133
Since I Know About Media Pile-ons...

Count me out of the Bruce "Mallard Fillmore" Tinsley DUI pile-on. It's icky.

I've only had one interaction with the cartoonist, and it was a singularly pleasant one. I invited him to be interviewed for one of my ATTITUDE anthologies. Why? Well, he draws in a different style, he's political and he takes unorthodox positions. In other words, he's a subversive (conservative) cartoonist. "Mallard Fillmore" ain't no "Doonesbury" (what is?), but it's much better than people--liberal people--say. Mallard detractors mostly despise his politics, but rather than simply say that they insult the strip's execution. Well, if it's bullshit when it happens to me, it's bullshit when it happens to him.

Unfortunately I was unable to secure, despite Tinsley's sincere attempts, the rights to reprint his strips. This sucks, because I really wanted to have some conservative artists in the book.

As for the DUI, well, that could happen to anyone who knocks back three or four beers in an hour or two in a city without decent mass transit, i.e., most people reading this. Speculation that he's an alcoholic is just that. If Tinsley has issues, he ought to be allowed the privacy to seek help without being ridiculed by a Standard Issue American Media Pile-on. If not, one presumes he'll choose a designated driver next time.

The hypocrisy issue has come up. After all, Tinsley often mocks Ted Kennedy for alleged drunkenness in his strip. It's a valid criticism, for sure, but the above stuff is why I would urge people to lay off. Being liberal, after all, means being understanding--even to those who aren't understanding themselves. Besides, mocking TK's supposed drinkyness (sic) isn't exactly on par with the hypocrisy of those who dodged the draft sending other people's children to war. Tinsley's sins are of taste, not life or death.

Cut the dude some slack, and let him figure out his life.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ted Rall on Animated Cartoons in Newsweek

There's a short piece about the decision of some editorial cartoonists to animate their work in this week's Newsweek. I've got a quote in there.

I too would like to follow innovators like Mark Fiore (see image above) by attempting to make the move to moving images, but simply don't have the time to learn and do all that Flash animation myself. I suspect that time constraints will be responsible for keeping many cartoonists from animating their work. This could change were companies interested in partnering with cartoonists, as some talked about doing at the height of the dot-com boom, but so far that just hasn't happened. For the foreseeable future, therefore, look for American political cartooning to remain static, and the overall number of cartoonists to continue to decline as newspapers continue to eliminate them.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

The Cassandra Chronicles Revisted

Now that only 9% of Americans believe the war in Iraq can be won, it's easy to forget how bad things got for those of us who were against it from the beginning. As the Great Northern Plains blog reminds us, those of us who stood up against this idiotic war against Iraq were getting trashed by the radical right while the moderates and liberals quivered in fearful silence. Paul Krugman referenced this typical Weekly Standard piece in his normally excellent New York Times column, but fumbled by focussing on elected officials trashed by the radical right rather than on the journalists and other citizens who actually paid a price for being correct.

Here's the section about Yours Truly:

Did you know that your average Iraqi fellow would much rather watch his relatives be raped or eaten by dogs than have to shake hands with an American Marine on the sidewalk?

"Regardless of their political affiliations, patriotic Iraqis prefer to bear the yoke of Saddam's brutal and corrupt dictatorship than to suffer the humiliation of living in a conquered nation. . . . The thought of infidel troops marching through their cities, past their mosques, patting them down, ordering them around, disgusts them even more than Saddam's torture chambers."

--Cartoonist and conspiracy-theory book author Ted Rall, April 2, 2003

I assume that the "conspiracy theory" book they're referring to was GAS WAR, which detailed the development of the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline project, a project neoconservative Republicans like Brendan Nyhan said was pure fiction. Now, of course, the pipeline is under construction even as Afghanistan collapses into worse chaos. As for my quote, well, looks like I called that one right. As usual.

Now that my politics have been vindicated, will the publications that censored my cartoons because of my politics between 2001 and 2005 apologize to their readers and pick them back up again? Don't hold your breath. After all, being the Week In Review editor of the New York Times means never having to say you're sorry.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Need iPod, Will Sell Originals Cheap!

A few years ago I made this deal to finance an iPod--buy three originals, which usually go for at least $300 each, for $500 total. I even threw in a couple of signed books. Now my iPod is history, a victim of the faulty disc error that plagues the device. Since I was too cheap to spring for Apple Care, I'm not covered by the warranty. But I desperately need another iPod, so I'm offering the deal again:

$500 gets you 3 originals (provided, of course, that I still have them), plus a couple of signed books. Email me at for payment details; this is a first come, first serve kind of deal.

This time I'm buying AppleCare. And please, no emails about how cool non-iPod MP3 players are--I'm sure they are, but I don't have time to transfer all 12,000 songs from the Apple-friendly format to MP3s.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Critical Raves for SILK ROAD TO RUIN

Reviews are starting to come in, and so far they're unanimously positive. I don't know whether they'll translate to sales, but consider that "Taliban," the 2000 book by Ahmed Rashid (who wrote my introduction), sold a few thousand copies before 9/11 and over 5 million after 9/11. Of course, 9/11 might never have happened had 5 million Americans bought "Taliban" BEFORE 9/11.

Anyway, here are the latest reviews:

School Library Journal, naming "Silk Road to Ruin" one of its Best Adult Books for High School Students of 2006:

"Cartoon journalist Rall explored the former USSR states up close and with daring personal encounters. His narrative report is incisive, insightful, and complete with graphic novella asides."

The San Diego Union-Tribune/Copley News Service:

"'Silk Road to Ruin' is a crash course on Central Asia, essential for anyone who's at all interested in what the U.S. is up to (see: oil, projection of power) in the region, and what's likely in store for us (see: blowback). Although at one border Rall's American passport was the first the guards had ever seen, mostly he wasn't treading fresh ground: American bootprints are all over Central Asia, as he documents thoroughly and, through some odd alchemy, delightfully."

The Boston Globe:

"'Silk Road to Ruin' is the kind of history you wish schools taught. Stuffed with information, characterized by courage, it slams Central Asia, which contains the world's largest reserves of oil and natural gas, even as it celebrates it."

Saturday, December 2, 2006

NYC Book Signing

I'll be signing books tomorrow, Sunday, December 3, from 11 am to 5 pm at New York's Small Press Book Fair, Look for me at the NBM table. It's a very cool chance to pick up some cool books from independent publishers in a unique building, so you should check it out. The address is 20 West 44th Street between 5th and 6th Avenues.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Bush: "No Graceful Exit" from Iraq

Yesterday brought another classic Bush quote:

"I know there's a lot of speculation that these reports in Washington mean there's going to be some kind of graceful exit from Iraq. This business about a graceful exit just simply has no realism to it whatsoever."

Unlike his assurances of Rumsfeld's job security a week before he canned him, this one rings true. Our exit from Iraq will be anything but graceful.

P.S. What does he mean by "these reports in Washington"? He LIVES in D.C., and has lived there for six years, yet he pretends he lives outside the Beltway? Talk about self-deluded!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Buy a Signed Copy of AMERICA GONE WILD

Just in time for the holidays, it's the Ted Rall Signed Book Offer. Here's the deal:

Send me $22 and I'll send you, via Priority Mail, a copy of AMERICA GONE WILD: CARTOONS BY TED RALL. If you ask me to sign it, I will. Just include a note with your payment indicating to whom and how you'd like it signed. And don't forget to include your shipping address! You can't imagine how many people forget to do that. Sorry, but unlike the NSA I don't know where you live.

Payment may be made in the real world to:

Ted Rall
PO Box 1134
New York NY 10027

Or you can email me at for information on how to pay via PayPal.

All Hail the Prophet Zarathustra! (FYI the Zoroastrian celebration of the divine spirit Vohu Manah, creator and protector of animals, is coming up soon. Vohu Manah is one of seven male and female divine emanations of the deity Ahura Mazda. Ted Rall products make a fine addition to any Vohu Manah celebration.)
A 9/11 Every Week

A thought occured to me on the subway this morning: the media is being unfair to the Iraqi puppet government. Yes, really.

Consider what happened to the United States after 9/11: we went crazy. We trashed our Constitution, allowed elections to be stolen, went to war against two countries that had never posed a threat to us, killed more than half a million people, legalized torture and domestic spying, built concentration camps, kidnapped thousands of innocent people and "disappeared" them, bankrupted the treasury. And that was only 3000 deaths.

For the last three years, Iraqis have suffered the equivalent of a 9/11 every week. Every week about 3,000 Iraqis have died violent, painful deaths at the hands of the U.S. and the militias freed to do their worst by our invasion.

Imagine what would have happened here had there been two or three 9/11s, much less more than a hundred, as has happened to the Iraqis: The United States would have collapsed. States would have peeled away. Anarchy would rule the streets. The economy would be trashed. We would be a failed state, like Afghanistan during the early 1990s. Warlords and militias? We'd have those, too. In fact, it's safe to say, there's no way the United States would be doing as well as Iraq is doing now.

Now, if you need more proof that we're a bunch of pussies, consider this: Iraq has one-tenth the population of the U.S. If you choose to examine the comparison on a per-capita basis, they've actually suffered a thousand 9/11s.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Bloomberg News Raves About "Silk Road to Ruin"

Bloomberg News Service has published a rave review of SILK ROAD TO RUIN.

An excerpt:

For decades in the 19th century, the world's superpowers competed in Central Asia in what became known as the Great Game, an epic scramble for influence and resources that still is being played today. Despite the high stakes -- including what may be the planet's largest reserves of oil and natural gas -- the competition for the exotic lands between the Himalayas and Russia's southern border has had remarkably few chroniclers.

With "Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East?'' Ted Rall fills that void with a book that combines fascination with Asian exoticism and the punchy distancing of cartoons and pop-culture irony.

Rall is a former investment banker and expert in the harsh but potentially wealthy region known as "the Stans.'' His book is an unconventional, provocative and bitterly funny mix of travel diary, tour guide and graphic novel based on the author's voyages, from Beijing to Turkmenistan through China's remote Xinjiang region and the oil-rich steppes of Kazakhstan.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Rumsfeld Resigns

The sick bastard who made Robert McNamara look nearly human, whose handiwork murdered more than twice the 300,000 innocent people Saddam Hussein is accused of killing, has finally resigned.

You can't feel sorry for the guy. After all, Saddam will hang for a mere 148 deaths. Can we hang the dark architects of the Afghan and Iraq wars 5000 times over? Nevertheless, it's worth noting, this is another Bush lie (just a week ago, the "prez" issued the Rumster job security through January 2009). By throwing him under the bus Bush and Cheney (well, Cheney and Rove) think they'll avoid a few investigations and, with a little luck, prison time. Within the context of today's events, Rumsfeld is (cough) a victim.

Make no mistake--he is as evil as the human race comes. Donald Rumsfeld presided over the mass murder of more than 100 times as many people as Osama bin Laden. But George W. Bush, and the people of the United States who have tolerated his misbegotten and anticonstitutional interregnum, are ultimately responsible. And we'll miss the evil gleam in the murderer's eye.

Impeachment? A nice start.
Breaking: Post-Election Column to Contain Exclusive

Today's syndicated column will contain, along with my analysis of yesterday's midterm election results and what lies ahead in the coming year, exclusive information about a new Bush Administration attempt to seize unprecedented power for the executive branch. The piece is currently being edited and will be uploaded at approximately 2 pm East Coast time.

For press inquiries:

Monday, November 6, 2006

Offer: Get Your Editing Ya-Yas Out, Earn a Sketch

Before it came out, a dozen people (including me) read my tome SILK ROAD TO RUIN several times each. And yet there are still typos in the first edition!

Soon it will be time to go back to press, and I'd like to fix as many typos as possible for the second printing. Here's where you come in.

For each NEW typo you find, I'll draw a sketch of anything you request (unless it's offensive or too hard, in which case I'll draw Bush or something) and mail it to you. Simply e-mail your typo (example: "On page 166, second paragraph, there's a "the the"...) to Use the subject line "Silk Road Typos."

The only catch: Only one sketch per typo. If someone else has already submitted your typo, you're out of luck.

Special bonus offer: Find 15 errors of spelling and/or grammar and/or fact, get the original artwork for one of my recent syndicated cartoons. (OK if the 15 include errors submitted by others previously.)

Offer expires when I say so.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

"A calm voice of reason during trying times."

Today's Dayton Daily News has a feature piece about SILK ROAD TO RUIN. Because the News requires registration, I'm posting it here:

Former Ohio resident paints Central Asia as political gold mine
By Vick Mickunas
Contributing Writer

Turn back the clock 30 years. A junior-high school student perused a National Geographic magazine in his mother's backyard in Kettering.

He recalled that moment. "I pulled out a fold-out photograph of a pair of horsemen riding across the steppe. Jagged mountains filled the horizon. The photo had been taken in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, which — as I remember it — the magazine described as 'the most remote place on Earth.' "

That day, a dream was born. The young man was Ted Rall. He graduated from Fairmont West High School in 1981. In 1996, Rall traced the legendary Silk Road across Asia for a magazine article. His dream had become a reality.

Today, Rall is a nationally renowned political cartoonist, columnist, war correspondent, media pundit, travel writer and the author of more than a dozen books. Based in New York City, he's made numerous treks to the countries known as the "Stans" — Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Central Asia seems remote to most Americans. Rall is convinced that we need to start paying more attention to it. He decided to write an in-depth political analysis of the region.

Those former Soviet republics may be obscure to most of us now, but Rall expects that to change soon. Why? Because the lands contain vast deposits of petroleum and natural gas. The Russians are interested. So are the Chinese.

Rall has written an eye-opening account, Silk Road to Ruin — Is Central Asia the New Middle East? The book details how the United States is making an effort to forge alliances with the leaders of these nations, most of whom are dictators.

We have competition. Rall sees a future where the "superpowers are vying for control of energy-rich areas." He suggests that U.S. policy in Central Asia needs to change because "we need to have friendly relations with the people of these countries — not with the tyrants who are keeping them down."

We squandered one opportunity with the collapse of the Soviet Union, he says.

Rall briefed me on the policy errors that took place. "These states became independent in late 1991. This was really Bill Clinton's ballgame. U.S. policy toward the Stans was shaped by Clinton, and he blew it. It's gone downhill since then."

"Since 9/11, George Bush has really ramped up support for these heinous dictators. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have been equally, blissfully unaware, stupid and wrong when it came to Central Asia."

Silk Road to Ruin is a masterful blend of history, policy, travelogue and insights. This reviewer found it vastly informative and entertaining. Rall serves up pithy essays that offer readers glimpses of the beauties and the dangers of these exotic lands. Rall's maps, photos and distinctive graphic cartoons illustrate the text.

He's a frequent guest on CNBC. "I'm a calm voice of reason during trying times," he says. He's also a gifted writer.

Ted Rall will give a multimedia presentation for Silk Road at Books & Co. at The Greene, 4453 Walnut St., Beavercreek, at 2 p.m. Saturday.

Silk Road to Ruin — Is Central Asia the New Middle East? by Ted Rall, NBM Publishing, 304 pages, $23.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Fan Mail

Some fan mail makes me tingle. This one from Steve was one of them:

I've been reading your book, Generalissimo El Busho, a collections of old columns and cartoons.
I was struck by how right you were in your predictions about the eventual course of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Keep it up,

Pundits, after all, are paid for being right most of the time. It's a sad statement about the failure of the capitalist system that the most well-paid pundits in the country--Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, O'Reilly, Brooks, Friedman, Hitchens, etc.--are consistently wrong. If they were picking bum stocks the way they picked bum pols and wars, they'd get canned. Meanwhile, guys like me and Chomsky--who have been right 95% of the time (my big fuck-up was predicting that Howard Dean would be the 2004 Dem nominee) since 2000--get ignored by many media outlets.

There's a lot less interest in having pundits get right than in having them parrot whatever happens to be the party line at the time. Fortunately, there are actual American readers, like Steve, who keep score.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ted Rall Interview for Halifax's CKDU Radio

I discussed SILK ROAD TO RUIN on CKDU radio in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ted Rall Tonight on CNBC

I'll be debating the war in Iraq and the upcoming midterm elections with former Texas Congressman Dick Armey and political risk theorist Ian Bremmer on Kudlow & Company on CNBC tonight between 5 and 6 pm tonight, East Coast time. Check your local listings for the channel number.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Olbermann: The Beginning of the End of America

In case you missed this powerful cry in the televised wilderness. Eight and a half minutes that every American should watch and, more importantly, listen to.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Cartoon Callout

I received the following e-mail today about today's cartoon:

I have been searching for the text of his letter and cannot find it. It must be pretty whiny for you to call him out like this. Do you have a link to it or just the text? I would appreciate it, as would many others.

Here it is.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Updated SILK ROAD TO RUIN Book Tour Schedule: NYC Date Added

The following dates remain on my book tour. Other cities will be added as information becomes available.

I will present an audio-visual overview of the current situation in ex-Soviet Central Asia and why it matters to all Americans, followed by a Q&A discussion and, obviously, book signing. Although the emphasis will be on SILK ROAD TO RUIN, we expect to have copies of my upcoming cartoon collection AMERICA GONE WILD (official publication date: October 15) available at these events as well.

Saturday 11/4, 2 pm - Books & Co. at The Greene, 4453 Walnut Street, Beavercreek, Ohio

Wednesday 12/6, TBD - Barnes and Noble Greenwich Village, 396 Ave of the Americas at 8th Street, New York City

Portland and San Francisco - Pending


Generally speaking I do signings in cities under one of two conditions: (1) it has a newspaper that regularly publishes my work and can be counted upon to publicize the event or (2) an organization can support my visit with paid publicity, an travel expenses and honorarium. So the best ways to get me to come to your city are to convince your local editor to publish my work or find a college, peace group, etc. to organize the shindig.

I am currently working on dates in San Francisco, Portland (OR) and Los Angeles. There are no plans at this time to come to any other city to support SILK ROAD, but if you'd like me to come and think you can hook up one of the two requisites to make my appearance worth the effort for everyone involved, drop me a line at

Monday, October 16, 2006

Updated SILK ROAD TO RUIN Book Tour Schedule

The following dates remain on my book tour. Other cities will be added as information becomes available.

I will present an audio-visual overview of the current situation in ex-Soviet Central Asia and why it matters to all Americans, followed by a Q&A discussion and, obviously, book signing. Although the emphasis will be on SILK ROAD TO RUIN, we expect to have copies of my upcoming cartoon collection AMERICA GONE WILD (official publication date: October 15) available at these events as well.

Saturday 11/4, 2 pm - Books & Co. at The Greene, 4453 Walnut Street, Beavercreek, Ohio

December - Time and Date TBD - Barnes and Noble, Sixth Avenue at West 8th Street, New York

Portland and San Francisco - Pending


Generally speaking I do signings in cities under one of two conditions: (1) it has a newspaper that regularly publishes my work and can be counted upon to publicize the event or (2) an organization can support my visit with paid publicity, an travel expenses and honorarium. So the best ways to get me to come to your city are to convince your local editor to publish my work or find a college, peace group, etc. to organize the shindig.

I am currently working on dates in San Francisco, Portland (OR) and Los Angeles. There are no plans at this time to come to any other city to support SILK ROAD, but if you'd like me to come and think you can hook up one of the two requisites to make my appearance worth the effort for everyone involved, drop me a line at
Minneapolis Star-Tribune Mentions SILK ROAD TO RUIN

There's a not very thrilling description of SILK ROAD TO RUIN in today's Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Review of "Fairly Well-Known Cartoonist"'s Anthology

Comixpedia has a detailed interview of ATTITUDE 3:

Ted Rall is a fairly well-known, controversial editorial cartoonist. He's also been the editor for a series of books called Attitude: The New Subversive Cartoonists. In the third installment, Rall turns his attention to the web and manages to cover a lot of the better opinionated webcomics out there today. In an introductory essay to the book, Rall recounts the shrinking market for the traditional daily newspaper editorial cartoonists as well as the saturation of the "alternative weekly" format. The implication being that he is has rounded up a collection of cartoonists every bit as good as those occupying the limited space of America's newsprint. And for the most part I think he has...

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Due to an error in editing, my column this week refered to George W. Bush as "the president." I apologize for the error and any confusion it may have caused.
Independent Weekly Interview

There's a SILK ROAD TO RUIN-centered interview with me in the current issue of the Raleigh/Durham-based alternative weekly The Independent:

Ted Rall is best known as a political cartoonist and columnist, but he is also a reporter who has covered Central Asia for nearly a decade. He broadcast live daily reports from Afghanistan during the 2001 war, and has written about the region for the Village Voice, POV and other magazines. Rall has collected his experiences in a new 300-page book, Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East?, which he describes as a blend of graphic journalism, travelogue and analysis. The author recently sat down with the Indy's J.P. Trostle (who was also Rall's editor on Silk Road), to discuss the disappearance of Henderson native Major Jill Metzger--and why the United States has a military base in Kyrgyzstan in the first place.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Current SILK ROAD TO RUIN Book Tour Schedule

Thanks to those who contributed to the big turnout last night at The Strand in New York. Especially welcome were those from Central Asian republics, who contributed awesome questions to the discussion.

The following dates remain on my book tour. Other cities will be added as information becomes available.

I will present an audio-visual overview of the current situation in ex-Soviet Central Asia and why it matters to all Americans, followed by a Q&A discussion and, obviously, book signing. Although the emphasis will be on SILK ROAD TO RUIN, we expect to have copies of my upcoming cartoon collection AMERICA GONE WILD (official publication date: October 15) available at these events as well.

PLEASE NOTE NEW TIME AND PLACE: Thursday 9/28, 5-7 pm - Jim Hanley's Universe, 4 West 33rd Street at Fifth Avenue, New York City

Also, there's a cool blurb in this week's Village Voice about the Hanley's appearance.

Thursday 10/5, 7:30 pm - Elliott Bay Book Co., 101 South Main Street Street, Seattle

Thursday 10/12, 7 pm - Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC - this will be a joint appearance as part of Cartoonists with Attitude [Note: Possible broadcast by C-SPAN's Book TV]

Friday 10/13 & Saturday 10/14, 10 am - 5 pm - Small Press Expo, Marriott Bethesda North Hotel & Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda, Maryland - I will be signing books at the NBM Publishing table.

Saturday 11/4, 2 pm - Books & Co. at The Greene, 4453 Walnut Street, Beavercreek, Ohio


Generally speaking I do signings in cities under one of two conditions: (1) it has a newspaper that regularly publishes my work and can be counted upon to publicize the event or (2) an organization can support my visit with paid publicity, an travel expenses and honorarium. So the best ways to get me to come to your city are to convince your local editor to publish my work or find a college, peace group, etc. to organize the shindig.

I am currently working on dates in San Francisco, Portland (OR) and Los Angeles. There are no plans at this time to come to any other city to support SILK ROAD, but if you'd like me to come and think you can hook up one of the two requisites to make my appearance worth the effort for everyone involved, drop me a line at

Friday, September 22, 2006

NEW TIME AND PLACE for Thurs. 9/28 Signing

Next Monday night's signing at The Strand remains unchanged.

Thursday's signing has been moved to a new location and time. Check it out:

Thursday 9/28, 5-7 pm - Jim Hanley's Universe, 4 West 33rd Street at Fifth Avenue, New York City

Sorry for the inconvenience!
New York Daily News Interview/Article

There's an article and interview about my book SILK ROAD TO RUIN in today's New York Daily News.

In my constant effort to make things easier for the neofascist (i.e., pro-Bush) bloggers, here's the quote that they will work themselves into a lather over:

"Condi Rice is no more black than I am," he said. "You relinquish your blackness as soon as you work for Bush."

In the interest of equal treatment, here's one to annoy liberals should they choose to be annoyed:

"Ann Coulter isn't always wrong," said Rall.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Updated SILK ROAD TO RUIN Book Tour Schedule

Boise was awesome! Hundreds of people showed up, they asked many great questions and I got to see some amazing scenery and eat at great restaurants during my down-time. Thanks to the Boise Weekly for sponsoring a successful event!

The following dates remain on my book tour. Other cities will be added as information becomes available.

I will present an audio-visual overview of the current situation in ex-Soviet Central Asia and why it matters to all Americans, followed by a Q&A discussion and, obviously, book signing. Although the emphasis will be on SILK ROAD TO RUIN, we expect to have copies of my upcoming cartoon collection AMERICA GONE WILD (official publication date: October 15) available at these events as well.

Monday 9/25 7:00 - 8:30 pm - The Strand bookstore, 828 Broadway at 12th Street, New York City - cosponsored by and Forbidden Planet.

Thursday 9/28, 7:30 pm - Barnes and Noble Greenwich Village, 396 Sixth Avenue at West 8th Street, New York City

Thursday 10/5, 7:30 pm - Elliott Bay Book Co., 101 South Main Street Street, Seattle

Thursday 10/12, Time TBD - Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC - this will be a joint appearance as part of Cartoonists with Attitude [Note: Possible broadcast by C-SPAN's Book TV]

Friday 10/13 & Saturday 10/14, 10 am - 5 pm - Small Press Expo, Marriott Bethesda North Hotel & Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda, Maryland - I will be signing books at the NBM Publishing table.

Saturday 11/4, 2 pm - Books & Co. at The Greene, 4453 Walnut Street, Beavercreek, Ohio


Generally speaking I do signings in cities under one of two conditions: (1) it has a newspaper that regularly publishes my work and can be counted upon to publicize the event or (2) an organization can support my visit with paid publicity, an travel expenses and honorarium. So the best ways to get me to come to your city are to convince your local editor to publish my work or find a college, peace group, etc. to organize the shindig.

I am currently working on dates in San Francisco, Portland (OR) and Los Angeles. There are no plans at this time to come to any other city to support SILK ROAD, but if you'd like me to come and think you can hook up one of the two requisites to make my appearance worth the effort for everyone involved, drop me a line at

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ann Coulter, 43 or 45, Conservative Commentator, Dies

Well, not really. My assignment for an unnamed humor magazine whose future theme issue was death was to write an obituary in the deadpan style of the New York Times, who despite failings in other areas produces the best death notices in the American media, for the right-wing poster babe. They killed the piece, but that's what the Internet is for--to show off stuff that might never have seen the light of day. So, enjoy!

In anticipation of the obvious question, all of the Coulter quotes are genuine. All else is satire.

Ann Coulter, 43 or 45, Conservative Commentator, Dies

Ann Coulter, the outspoken conservative columnist and the author of bestselling polemical tracts, died on Thursday at an apartment leased to Sean Hannity on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The cause was internal bleeding in her lower aorta, said Hannity, a long-time friend.
She claimed to have been 43 and listed a 1963 birthdate on her District of Columbia driver's license, but she was 45 according to her Connecticut and Florida voter registrations, as well as a duplicate driver's license she obtained from the State of Connecticut. Because her age and gender must be determined in order to comply with new counterterrorism regulations governing the identities of deceased citizens, a skin sample will be subjected to a DNA test.
Ann Hart Coulter was probably born on December 8, 1961 in New York City, to her father John Vincent Coulter, a "union buster" lawyer (her words), and Nell Husbands Martin Coulter. Her grandfather Hunter Hart Martin was née Hunter Hart Wiessinger, but presumably changed his name for reasons of self-hatred). Raised in New Canaan, Connecticut, Coulter attended Cornell University, where she co-founded the conservative Cornell Review and graduated cum laude in 1984. She received her law degree from the University of Michigan and eventually became a litigator for the anti-government Center for Individual Rights.
Coulter died from injuries sustained on September 11, 2006, when the historic replica of a dirigible in which she was riding exploded over the Hudson River near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, killing 11 people, six of them illegal immigrants from Honduras, on a garbage barge passing below. The German ambassador to the United Nations had invited her aboard Germany's new LZ 131 Graf Zeppelin III's maiden voyage as his guest of honor; they were watching the ceremonies commemorating the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks when the blast occurred. Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board believe that Coulter initiated the accident when she fired a pistol as she stormed the airship's flight deck in the mistaken belief that its bearded pilot was an Islamic hijacker.
President Bush awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian award, for her "valorous Valkyrie-like vigilance."
Coulter, who simultaneously resided in Washington, New York, Connecticut and Florida, was an outspoken firebrand who defended traditional American values against what she saw as the depredations of militant secularist liberals determined to subvert them. Although privately shy, she struggled against the demons of introversion in thousands of television and lectures before packed, rapt audiences of admirers. "I'm dreadfully afraid of the limelight," she once confessed during an interview with Larry King, "but if not me, who? I have a duty."
She was best known as the author of five epic treatises in a variety of disciplines, all of which appeared on the New York Times bestsellers list. Her first book, High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton (Regnery, 1998) became an immediate literary sensation. "Coulter's outrage at interoffice miscegenation between a sitting president and a kneeling intern serves as a convenient vehicle which she exploits in order to introduce a new voice in American letters," wrote a reviewer for The New Yorker. "Her supple manipulation of the soft curves of the Romantic aspects of English language literature, coupled with sly hip-hop-infused feints at the postmodern didacticism presided over by the cult of dead irony and Amy Tan," said The New York Review of Books, "has shattered the status quo. She doesn't merely write in English. She is English."
Coulter's second work, Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right (Crown Forum, 2002), took a less lyrical tone, perhaps the result of her reliance on a 1970s-era Dictaphone to transcribe it after repeated evenings spent experimenting with acid reflux. "Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers, they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam, post 9/11," Coulter wrote in a passage frequently cited as the epitome of the can-do spirit of patriotism. "The good part of being a Democrat is that you can commit crimes, sell out your base, bomb foreigners, and rape women, and the Democratic faithful will still think you're the greatest."
Although Slander was as not well received by critics as High Crimes, her philosophy, since dubbed Americism, is now widely taught and accepted as inarguable by academia, the media and ordinary people in the United States and overseas. "It's obviously true," said Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) upon being informed of her death, "that I hate America, flag-wavers, and abortion opponents. And also all religions except Islam. Post 9/11. Raping women—I'm into that too. Dammit! There's just no way to turn a phrase the way Annie did."
Coulter rebounded with Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism (Crown Forum, 2003), this time forcing a radical rethinking of 20th century history by rehabilitating McCarthyism and the presidency of Richard M. Nixon, as well as supply-side economics. ("It did too work," she scoffed at economists.) Ward Churchill, the University of Colorado history professor who once called 9/11 victims "little Eichmanns," said Treason had forced him and other left-of-center theorists to rethink their views. "The Treason shockwave continues to rumble across historians' chat groups," he said. "Its full effect may ultimately be unknowable, but I and others of my ilk have pretty much stopped reading anything else."
A collection of columns that appeared in several pairs of newspapers, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) soon appeared, followed by Godless: The Church of Liberalism, a book whose brilliant, irrefutable 69-word proof of Intelligent Design earned her a posthumous Nobel Prize for editorial biology.
Here it is:
"Liberals' creation myth is Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, which is about one notch above Scientology in scientific rigor. It's a make-believe story, based on a theory that is a tautology, with no proof in the scientist's laboratory or the fossil record—and that's after 150 years of very determined looking. We wouldn't still be talking about it but for the fact that liberals think evolution disproves God."
Godless also unveiled Coulter's Grand Corollary of Procyonid Gaseous Emanation: "Imagine a giant raccoon passed gas and perhaps the resulting gas might have created the vast variety of life we see on Earth. And if you don't accept the giant raccoon flatulence theory for the origin of life, you must be a fundamentalist Christian nut who believes the Earth is flat."
"Can't argue with that," remarked Professor Stephen Hawking of the University of Cambridge.
At the time of the zeppelin incident Coulter had been working on a new collection of essays that "would have changed everything we know about music, cooking and anthropology," said her companion Hannity. The uncompleted manuscript will be released next year under the title Tuneless: How Democrat Communist Hacks Corrupted Anglo-Saxon Culture.
Despite seemingly universal acclaim—Coulter was feted by personalities as diverse as the Reverend Jerry Falwell and the Reverend Pat Robertson—Coulter suffered criticism for her views. At a January 26, 2006 speech to the influential student body at Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Coulter called for "somebody to put rat poison in Justice [John Paul] Stevens' crème brulée."
"Killing a Supreme Court justice is one thing," scolded the New York Law Review, "but it is irresponsible to promote slow-acting poison over more humane, constitutionally approved methods such as lethal injection."
Shortly before her accident at the 9/11 "Five More Years" bash, Coulter came under fire when it came to light that her most recent promotional photo had been digitally airbrushed to make her look significantly heavier. The touched-up photo seemed to add 20 pounds to her trademark skeletal frame, angering activists in the anorexia-acceptance movement. "At 87 pounds Ann is a beautiful woman, an inspiration to college girls and genocide survivors the world over," said Rosie O'Donnell, who slashed two-thirds of her body weight in tribute to Coulter. "If anything, they should have Photoshopped her vertically to make her look even skinnier."
In accordance with her wishes, Coulter's ashes will be scattered across the grave of Buchenwald overseer Ilse Koch at Aichach women's prison in Bavaria. She is survived by ex-boyfriends Dinesh D'Souza, the conservative author, television talk show host Bill Maher and Spin magazine founder Bob Guccione, Jr.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ted Rall on ESPN 2 Tonight

I will appear on ESPN 2 at 11 am Eastern time tonight to discuss a proposal by sports writers to retire number 40, Pat Tillman's jersey number as a member of the Arizona Cardinals.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Current SILK ROAD TO RUIN Book Tour Schedule: DAYTON added

So far the following dates have been confirmed for my fall 2006 book tour. I will present an audio-visual overview of the current situation in ex-Soviet Central Asia and why it matters to all Americans, followed by a Q&A discussion and, obviously, book signing.

BIG PREMIER SPEECH AND DISCUSSION: Saturday 9/16 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:00 pm) - The Egyptian Theatre, 700 West Main Street, Boise, Idaho - Tickets are $20 in advance, $24 on the day of the show - on sale at the theatre box office or by calling 387-1273

Monday 9/25 Time TBD - The Strand bookstore, Broadway at 12th Street, New York City

Thursday 9/28, 7:30 pm - Barnes and Noble Greenwich Village, 396 Sixth Avenue at West 8th Street, New York City

Thursday 10/5, 7:30 pm - Elliott Bay Book Co., 101 South Main Street Street, Seattle

Thursday 10/12, Time TBD - Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC - this will be a joint appearance as part of Cartoonists with Attitude

Friday 10/13 & Saturday 10/14, 10 am - 5 pm - Small Press Expo, Marriott Bethesda North Hotel & Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda, Maryland - I will be signing books at the NBM Publishing table.

Saturday 11/4, 2 pm - Books & Co. at The Greene, 4453 Walnut Street, Beavercreek, Ohio


Generally speaking I do signings in cities under one of two conditions: (1) it has a newspaper that regularly publishes my work and can be counted upon to publicize the event or (2) an organization can support my visit with paid publicity, an travel expenses and honorarium. So the best ways to get me to come to your city are to convince your local editor to publish my work or find a college, peace group, etc. to organize the shindig.

I am currently working on dates in San Francisco, Portland (OR) and Los Angeles. There are no plans at this time to come to any other city to support SILK ROAD, but if you'd like me to come and think you can hook up one of the two requisites to make my appearance worth the effort for everyone involved, drop me a line at

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Detailed Information for NYC Signing on September 25

Here's the official deal:

EurasiaNet.Org and Forbidden Planet Present

An Evening with Ted Rall - Monday, September 25, time TBA

The Strand Bookstore, Broadway at 12th Street, New York City

Rall's new book, SILK ROAD TO RUIN, combines articles with comics chapters relating his experiences beginning with the sublime history of the Silk Road and ending in the absurdity of the petty dictatorships of the “The ‘Stans.” Part exotic adventure, part satire and part history a part of the world that looms in importance with its immense reserves of oil and rising Islamic fundamentalism. Hilarious and frightening, Silk Road to Ruin is graphic journalism at its vivid best.

Ted Rall, 43, is a syndicated editorial cartoonist and columnist for Universal Press Syndicate. Author of the award-winning "To Afghanistan and Back: A Graphic Travelogue", Rall was a Pulitzer Prize finalist and two-time winner of the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award.

This event will be filmed for "Arts and Minds" on CBC Television.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

3 Pages of Color Comics About Ah-nold

The current issue of Los Angeles CityBeat features a three-color full-color cartoon by yours truly about the looming reelection bid of Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Friday, September 8, 2006


So far the following dates have been confirmed for my fall 2006 book tour. I will present an audio-visual overview of the current situation in ex-Soviet Central Asia and why it matters to all Americans, followed by a Q&A discussion and, obviously, book signing.

BIG PREMIER SPEECH AND DISCUSSION: Saturday 9/16 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:00 pm) - The Egyptian Theatre, 700 West Main Street, Boise, Idaho - Tickets are $20 in advance, $24 on the day of the show - on sale at the theatre box office or by calling 387-1273

Monday 9/25 Time TBD - The Strand bookstore, Broadway at 12th Street, New York City

Thursday 9/28, 7:30 pm - Barnes and Noble Greenwich Village, 396 Sixth Avenue at West 8th Street, New York City

Thursday 10/5, 7:30 pm - Elliott Bay Book Co., 101 South Main Street Street, Seattle

Thursday 10/12, Time TBD - Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC - this will be a joint appearance as part of Cartoonists with Attitude

Friday 10/13 & Saturday 10/14 - Small Press Expo, Marriott Bethesda North Hotel & Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda, Maryland - I will be signing books at the NBM Publishing table.


Generally speaking I do signings in cities under one of two conditions: (1) it has a newspaper that regularly publishes my work and can be counted upon to publicize the event or (2) an organization can support my visit with paid publicity, an travel expenses and honorarium. So the best ways to get me to come to your city are to convince your local editor to publish my work or find a college, peace group, etc. to organize the shindig.

I am currently working on dates in San Francisco, Portland (OR) and Los Angeles. There are no plans at this time to come to any other city to support SILK ROAD, but if you'd like me to come and think you can hook up one of the two requisites to make my appearance worth the effort for everyone involved, drop me a line at

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Creature Feature

Once again, that loathesome toad Bush had outdone himself in the creepy fascism department. As an election year gambit the king of anti-Americans is transferring the victims of his CIA concentration camps to Guantanamo and asking Congress to rubberstamp his gulag system as an end run around his own pet Supreme Court and the Constitution. Politically, it won't work, of course, but the mere fact that he's trying to legalize torture to this extent is sickening.

Please, please, please let the Democrats take the House this November. Then, please impeach the psychotic motherfucker and send his worthless ass to Gitmo.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

New Yorkers Get First SILK ROADS

The first store in the United States to have copies of SILK ROAD TO RUIN: IS CENTRAL ASIA THE NEW MIDDLE EAST? on sale is the venerable Strand on Broadway and 12th Street in Manhattan. The books were put out today! New Yorkers are advised that the first order is limited and that copies will not last.

Amazon sold out of its order the first day the books became available; more are on their way but this is why pre-orders are always smart.

Non-New Yorkers should order from their local bookseller or online.

I will also be signing books, answering questions and unveiling my astonishing slide show of Central Asian despots and their deeds at The Strand on Monday, September 25.
Ted Rall on CNBC-TV

I'll be interviewed for approximately 10 minutes, starting at 5:45 pm tonight. Check your local listings for CNBC. The show is "Kudlow & Company." Among other topics, we'll discuss the current nuclear brinksmanship between the United States and Iran.
Cartoons with Attitude

It's a movement. It's a way of life. It's a website. A group of cartoonists from the ATTITUDE anthologies have gotten together to form the CARTOONISTS WITH ATTITUDE collective/terror cell/coven. Check out all sorts of neat stuff, including a communcal RSS-feed aggregate blog by some of the country's best politically-oriented comics creators.

CWA will debut at the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, Maryland this October.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Good Morning Lisbon

Last week's column "Why America Needs Hezbollah" appeared in the Bloco de Esqeirda newsletter from Portugal under the headline "ncompetência americana." For Portugese readers who may have missed it, here you go:

"Percebemos que os EUA se transformaram num país de Terceiro Mundo quando os libaneses bombardeados recebem mais do que nós", afirma o cartoonista norte-americano Ted Rall, ao comparar os míseros dois mil dólares que o governo dos EUA deu às vítimas do furacão Katrina com o que o Hezbollah deu às vítimas dos bombardeamentos israelitas. O Hezbollah ganha em todas as comparações. Não seria de contratá-lo para reconstruir o World Trade Center?
Porque a América precisa do Hezbollah

Por Ted Rall

Horas depois de um cessar-fogo ter interrompido a guerra de cinco semanas entre Israel e as milícias apoiadas pelo Irão no Líbano, relatou o New York Times, "centenas de membros do Hezbollah espalhados por dezenas de aldeias do Sul do Líbano começaram a limpar, a organizar e a fazer um levantamento dos estragos. Homens em buldozzers dedicaram-se a abrir caminhos entre gigantescas pilhas de escombros. Estradas que estavam bloqueadas pelos destroços dos edifícios já estão utilizáveis um dia depois do início do cessar-fogo." Quem se importa que o Hezbollah seja considerado pelo Departamento de Estado [dos EUA] uma organização terrorista? Ao contrário do nosso inútil governo, ele consegue que as coisas sejam feitas!
Os cidadãos de Nova Orleães precisam desesperadamente do espírito empreendedor terrorista. Fora da zona turística do Bairro Francês (french quarter), escreve Jed Horne no The New Republic, o que era até 2005 a cidade de maior charme dos EUA permanece "uma zona de desastre, numa área cinco vezes o tamanho de Manhattan".
Um ano depois do que deveria ter sido um evento rotineiro, um furacão na costa do Golfo, metade da população da cidade continua refugiada - lixada por um governo que não mexeu um dedo sequer para fingir que se importa. Horne descreve "vastos espaços de uma cidade esvaziada, como se tivesse sido atingida por uma bomba de neutrões."
Nova Orleães é uma cidade morta. Incrivelmente, os políticos não ligam nenhuma. "A maioria da água foi-se embora", informou o jornal British Daily Mirror no aniversário da tempestade, "mas pouca coisa mudou. Circulando pelas ruas, é chocante ver quanta devastação permanece e quão pouca reconstrução foi feita."
Os americanos viram incrédulos o seu governo responder aos desesperados apelos das doentes e esfomeadas vítimas do Katrina internando-as em campos de concentração. E depois entregou-lhes cartões de débito de 2000 dólares - uma insignificância insultuosa - para compensá-las de terem perdido tudo o que possuíam. Qualquer um pôde ver que o governo federal deixou de cumprir a sua obrigação de proteger os cidadãos. Não só se recusou a reforçar as barragens à beira do desmoronamento, como nem sequer tentou enviar ajuda depois da há muito prevista inundação. Os Estados Unidos da América, contudo, são dirigidos por homens que vêem coisas muito diferentes de, bem, todo o resto da população. Eles acham, na verdade, que as vítimas do furacão Katrina receberam demasiado.
"Dois mil dólares nas mãos de uma pessoa, isso é muito dinheiro", explicou o director da Agência Federal de Gestão de Emergências (FEMA) David Paulison, numa declaração em 23 de Julho. Devido aos cortes orçamentais de Bush, as vítimas de futuros desastres vão ter de se contentar com meros 500 dólares.
Percebemos que os EUA se transformaram num país de Terceiro Mundo quando os libaneses bombardeados recebem mais do que nós. Lembram-se que as vítimas do furacão não conseguiam contacto com a FEMA devido à linha verde perpetuamente ocupada? Prometendo que os funcionários do Hezbollah "nas cidades e aldeias, vão contactar os que tiveram as casas destruídas para ajudá-los a reconstrui-las", o sheik Hassan Nasrallah ordenou aos militantes do Hezbollah que percorressem os quarteirões destruídos e começassem imediatamente os trabalhos de reparação. O Hezbollah dá "mobília decente e apropriada" e um ano de renda de casa grátis a todos os libaneses que perderam os seus lares. Ao contrário dos funcionários do governo racistas que, na costa do Golfo, há um ano, resgatavam os brancos e disparavam sobre os negros, a oferta do grupo terrorista xiita também se aplica aos sunitas, aos cristãos e até aos judeus. "A reputação do Hezbollah como rede social eficiente", observou o New York Times, "ficou comprovada em todo o lado. Jovens com walkie-talkies e pranchetas esquadrinharam os bairros xiitas do sul de Bint Jbail, tirando notas da extensão dos estragos. Os homens do Hezbollah também foram de porta em porta perguntando aos moradores que ajuda precisavam." Com terroristas como estes, quem precisa da FEMA?
Um ano depois do Katrina, ainda se retiram corpos dos escombros. Dezenas de cadáveres continuam por identificar; o presidente, o governador e o presidente da câmara continuam a ser acusados de ineficiência. George W. Bush ainda se recusa a reconhecer as suas responsabilidades. Apenas um dia depois do cessar-fogo do Líbano, porém, o sheik Nasrallah já tinha feito um relatório completo dos estragos causados pela campanha de bombardeamentos de Israel e já desencadeara um amplo programa de reconstrução. "Até agora", disse o líder do Hezbollah, "a contagem inicial de que dispomos de casas totalmente destruídas ultrapassa as 15 mil. Claro que não podemos esperar pelo governo e os seus veículos pesados e maquinaria, porque podem demorar um bocado."
Como muitas vezes acontece nas emergências nos EUA, os preços da habitação, da água, da gasolina e de outros produtos essenciais subiram em flecha durante e depois do Katrina. Nasrallah, em contrapartida, advertiu os empresários para não se aproveitarem da situação. "Ninguém deve aumentar preços devido ao crescimento da procura".
Nunca discutas com um homem que compra AK-47 às caixas.
"A força do Hezbollah", diz Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, professor da Universidade Libanesa-Americana de Beirute e especialista da organização, em grande parte deriva do "grande vazio deixado pelo Estado".
Parece familiar? É, para a população de Ladysmith, Wisconsin. A cidade rural, destruída por um tornado em 2002, foi abandonada pelo governo a quem a sua população pagou impostos durante toda a vida.
Talvez possamos contratar o Hezbollah para reconstruir o World Trade Center.

Ted Rall é autor do novo livro "Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East?," uma banda desenhada que analisa o próximo desafio externo da América. Visite-o no site

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

SILK ROAD Ships to Stores!

SILK ROAD TO RUIN: IS CENTRAL ASIA THE NEW MIDDLE EAST?, my blockbuster essay/graphic novel look at the Stans and my trips thereto, began arriving in stores this week. Check with your local bookseller or order online; depending on how fast the boxes get opened you could have one in your hands by later this week or the next.

Vice President Elect

It's official! The votes have been counted, and the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists--the only organization to which I belong--has elected me its Vice President. I love the AAEC and its function as an advocate for the editorial cartooning profession, and am thrilled that my fellow cartoonists have confidence in me. It should be noted that I am the first alternative cartoonist to hold a high-ranking position in the organization.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Order Signed Copies of SILK ROAD TO RUIN

Once again I am offering, for a limited time, copies of SILK ROAD TO RUIN: IS CENTRAL ASIA THE NEW MIDDLE EAST? signed to your specifications. Cost is $30 per copy (includes packaging and shipping within the U.S.).

Here's how you do it:

1. Calculate Cost:

$30 x (number of copies) = $_____

Email me at if you live outside the United States for the rate including international shipping

2. Payment by Mail:

Send check or money order for above amount to:

Ted Rall
PO Box 1134
New York NY 10027

Be sure to include YOUR MAILING ADDRESS and TO WHOM/HOW you'd like each book signed

3. Payment by PayPal:

Payment is available by PayPal. Email me at for details.

4. SPECIAL OFFER: Free sketch (of whatever I feel like) with orders of 10 copies of more!

Friday, August 18, 2006

But Will I Play in Boise?

Find out on September 16. I'll be speaking about my book SILK ROAD TO RUIN (due out in stores any second!) at The Egyptian Theater that night.
10th Anniversary Syndication Interview

There's a Q&A on the 10th anniversary of my syndication with Universal Press Syndicate here.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What's Up in Boise?

Let's say a cartoonist were to find himself in Boise for a weekend in late summer, maybe in the course of promoting his book and giving a talk. What should said cartoonist do that would be fun, but that the hotel concierge might not know about? What great restaurants and bars and CD stores and book stores and museums and outdoory things should he check out?

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Now He IS a Sore Loserman

I got your Joementum right here, Mr. Accessory to Mass Murder.

Yesterday's primary defeat of DINO Joe Lieberman was great news for the voters of Connecticut, the United States and the Democratic Party, which has finally begun the process of being reclaimed by the ordinary hard-working Americans it abandoned beginning with the rise of proto-DLC centist guv Jimmy Carter and culminating with the pro-war votes of innumerable elected Democrats in recent years.

Anyone who doubts that Lieberman was a Democrat need only consider his decision to run as an independent despite his defeat. So desperate to maintain his position and serve the monied interests of the Bushite Republicans is he that he's willing to split the Democratic vote and risk electing a Republican instead. His career may be in ruins--his reputation certainly is, for casting vote after GOP vote--but this tack may bring down the party system once and for all.

Funny, I don't remember liberals weighing in on which candidates Republicans ought to elect in their primaries. Yet Republican-aligned pundits have oh so helpfully suggested that a move left by the party spells defeat in November. Somehow, I doubt that. The Democratic Party lost its soul a while back. Finding it can only help with the electorate.

As for Joe Lieberman, one hopes that he will use the spare time, not to further undermine the Democratic Party that foolishly supported him all these years, but to prepare for the trial for mass murder that will someday confront every politician who voted for two illegal wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, if there is a God.

Friday, August 4, 2006

Mail Bag

Paul writes about yesterday's cartoon:

You really, really don't get it. Take your number 2 [pencil], darken Olmert's skin. Give him nappy hair and thick lips while you're at it. Change antisemite to niggerlover. Is the strip still funny?
But the Germans, of all people, can better explain this to you. Go here:,1518,429982,00.html
I still think you're saveable and (usually) love your work.

And it's good to be loved. Seriously:

Antisemitism is real. To wit: Mel Gibson. (Sorry, but non-antisemites don't spout antisemitic bullshit when they get drunk.)

The point of my cartoon is that, while some critics of Israel do so because they are antisemites, criticizing Israel does not inherently make one antisemitic. I have serious issues with Israeli foreign policy, yet I admire Israel and despise antisemitism. (Sort of how I hate American foreign policy, yet love America.)

In the analogy that you make, a cartoon called "The Anatomy of Racism" would only work if there were some black-dominated nation whose critics were routinely and automatically accused of racism merely because of that country's demographics. No one has ever suggested, at least not seriously, that critics of [Zimbabwean President] Robert Mugabe are motivated solely or even partly by racism.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

KFI Interview, Rescheduled

My interview with KFI Radio Los Angeles morning host Bill Handel, will take place:

10:30 am
in Southern California, listen at 640 AM
Online at (yes, it's livestreamed)

I'll be discussing my new book SILK ROAD TO RUIN, about Central Asia. If you thought Iraq was a son of a bitch, wait until the US invasion of Uzbekistan!
Factchecking Israeli Demographics

Today's cartoon references the percentage of Israelis who are Jewish. Some correspondents, claiming that Jews account for more than 70 percent of Israelis, take issue with my claim that the split is roughly 50-50. For the record, I relied on this quote from a professor at the University of Haifa for this cartoon:

Today, there are 5 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews. The latter figure is composed of 4.5 million Arabs and the remainder non-Jewish immigrants, mainly from the former Soviet Union, and foreign workers," he told the Jerusalem Post.

I have read similar statements elsewhere; thus my cartoon.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006


Ernie asks:

Hi Ted. I pre-ordered your book and look forward to reading it. I assume you won't be at the big Con in Chicago this weekend?  Any chance you will be coming through Chicago this fall  to sign our books? Thanks.

I have confirmed bookstore appearances in New York and am working on setting up dates on the West Coast at this time. There are, however, no current plans for any appearances in Chicago. If a store, college organization or other group would be interested in having me travel to Chicago (or anywhere else!) to speak about and/or sign copies of SILK ROAD TO RUIN, please contact me at

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Los Angeles Radio Interview

I'll be discussing my new book Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East? Wednesday morning at 10:45 am local (West Coast) time on the Bill Handel Show on KFI Radio. You can listen online or at AM 640 in southern California.

Friday, July 14, 2006

It's Here!

I feel like I've given birth.

Terry at NBM Publishing messengered over the first copy of SILK ROAD TO RUIN. With great trepidation, a flashback to the disappointment when St. Martin's Press fucked up the printing of WAKING UP IN AMERICA, I opened the package and removed the book. Would the spot varnish on the blood splatters look OK? Would the matte jacket look good with the paper stock? Had the hardcover casing turned out OK? Were the signatures laid out properly--not always a given?

I needn't have feared. SILK ROAD is, without a doubt, a fine-looking specimen. Over an inch thick, nice blacks, the graphic novellas look great, etc. Whew.

I think Terry, who says this is my best work yet, may be right.

Attendees to next week's San Diego Comic Con will have the first shot in the nation of buying SILK ROAD TO RUIN. I'll also be on hand to sign it. (And no, no, no--I'm not doing any panels or talks there. And yes, I would do one if invited. But I never have been and never will be, so please stop asking.)

Books will begin shipping to stores in August and should start appearing in two or three weeks. Now would be a good time to place your order with your local bookstore or online using the link above.

I think (crossing my fingers here...) that this is going to be one of my Big Deal kind of books.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Gates/Buffett Column Feedback

Some good responses have come in that I thought I'd share with y'all:

"Ken" (his name has been changed to protect his identity) starts out with Emilio Estevez's classic dying quote from "Repo Man":

I blame society.

No ... really. Pointing out that it can't possibly be ethical for one person to have accumulated 44-50 billion dollars is meaningless in a society where a struggling single mom thinks she is one TV Game Show or Lottery Ticket away from having millions. Their billions are justified by the people who want (but will probably never have) a touch of that kind of wealth.

We as a society, are very much about winning the game and winning as big as you can. America is about getting more, not just enough, and no where is that more reflected than in our version of Capitalism. To many people (including, perhaps, Gates and Buffett) the stack of billions is not merely wealth, but their life-time score in the game of Capitalism. And aside from the hypocrisy of Baseball, most Americans seem to be just as enthusiastic about those who win by playing by "gaming the system" as they are for those who play honestly.

But this, all of this, is academic.

What percentage of the population will actually listen to new information and possibly change their world view based on that
information? I can't quote a study but I imagine among media consuming young adults and adults the percentage is less than 1%. All of the activist outreach, all of the propaganda, all of the well-reasoned editorials in the world amount to nothing more than SPAM -- spewing out volumes in a desperate search for people who have the ability to change their minds.

But don't stop -- not for one instant -- or your message will be swallowed up in the storm of ideas ... lost "like tears, in rain."

Looking back at what I have written, before sending it, I see that I have really said nothing new about America that Umberto Eco's "Travels in Hyperreality" hasn't already said and nothing about modern Capitalism that hasn't been said by Jamie Uys' excellent "The God's Must be Crazy."

It's just more SPAM.

Thanks, etc.

On the other hand, Lloyd stands up for laissez faire:

Count me among those who regularly agree with much of what you say as well as being among those who considers himself quite left of center politically. But count me also as a nerd who feels an instant need to come to Mr. Gates' defense, though I'm sure he can defend himself quite ably. As to Mr. Buffet, I don't know the man and cannot even pretend to speak intelligently about him.

Bill Gates is a smart man. I'm sure we agree on that point. As he grew his company, unlike many leaders, he included him employees in his prosperity. His company was also at the forefront of providing employer benefits that we all wish Wal Mart would emulate. Though his company is huge, and the stock he has owned since the beginning is substantial, his annual compensation is under a million a year, rather small for such a man. The reason he's so rich is our stock market which values Microsoft stock so much, that his share has ballooned to the many billions it is now worth.

You mention a price point of $200 in your article. I'm unsure of which program you refer to, but most people with Windows on their computer paid $100 or less for that fully legal copy of Windows. As to fairness, well, the technically adept can get Linux for free while the rest of us are going to pay someone, whether it's Bill or Steve.

Bill Gates is not stealing by selling his product for a stated price, and his wealth was not stolen from anyone since the vast majority of it is paper wealth only. But when he converts that paper wealth into actual money just so he can solve the problems of the world (and every dollar spent by private citizens on the Pearl Harbor Memorial, and private money has been a part of its financing since the beginning, is one more dollar of our government's money that will not be borrowed by an irresponsible Legislative and Executive branch).

Because of Ken Lay, many people had entire retirement accounts wiped out. Because of Bill Gates, many people will live enriched lives. We don't need to fall over ourselves thanking Bill, but we shouldn't be comparing him as less honorable than the likes of Kenny Boy.

People often only write to complain, and I'm guilty of that here, but keep up the good work. I never miss a column.

P.S. (and quite late): As an avid Arizona Cardinals fan and someone who had a Pat Tillman jersey when only locals knew his name, cut the guy a break. He learned that he had erred by joining in Bush's jihad. He just didn't get out before the bullets got him.

I've said on numerous occasions that, had I known what I know now about Pat Tillman, I wouldn't have drawn that cartoon in 2004.

And finally, there's this:

Bravo on a brilliant column.

I was wondering if anyone would come out and tell the truth about Buffet and Gates.

Lionizing two ruthless businessmen for charitable giving with money that was essentially stolen from many people over a very long time (legally or illegally stealing is still stealing) was too hard to stomach for me.

This money if distributed equitably and fairly as pay and compensation would have had a far greater effect on charitable giving than these two could possibly do now.

Gates is an anti-trust cheat who bundles software to torpedo competitors and somehow escaped the breakup of his company. Although Europe still has a lot to say about that.

Buffet is a holding company baron who can effectively rule over a vast range of companies through the power of the boards. Since he controls so many boards who knows what he was able to pull off. Collusion, antitrust, cut throat competition etc. I'm sure it is all legal or can't be proved to be illegal.

The government today tolerates what wasn't tolerated in Teddy Roosevelt's time and certainly not tolerated after the great depression. Because of this lax enforcement we have a thousand Ken Lays out there that will never be brought to justice. People's livelihoods, retirements, college for their kids and the dream of owning a home are rapidly disappearing as the Buffets and Gates take more of what is rightfully other people's money.

And the most galling is their canonization in the news media for giving away what they can not possibly spend.

As a closing the worst isn't even these two. Even they blanched at Bush's economic policies.
Counting on Ignorance

Once again, a top Bush Administration official is counting on the average American's ignorance of recent history to make an assertion that would be laughable were it not such a direct affront to the truth. While visiting a "secret" US military facility in Tajikistan, Donald Rumsfeld blamed the resurgence of Afghan opium production on the Taliban:

""Anytime there is that much money floating around and you have people like the Taliban, it gives them an opportunity to fund their efforts in various ways," said the Secretary of Defense.

Of course, the Taliban government ended opium cultivation in Afghanistan in 2000, at the request of the US and UN and at the cost of impoverishing countless Afghan farmers. As those who read my reports from the war zone in 2001 know, it was the return of the Northern Alliance government--which led to the current U.S.-backed Karzai puppet regime--that prompted the current spike in drug production and smuggling across Central Asia.
Told You So

Over and over.


It’s not as if we don’t have a history. When the paras moved into Camp Price just outside Gereshk in May and their commander had his first meeting with local officials, it took the Afghans just 10 minutes to bring up the battle of Maiwand. One of the worst defeats ever suffered by the British Army in which more than 1,000 men were slaughtered by the side of the Helmand River, the battle may have happened in 1880 but Afghans in Helmand talk about it as if it were yesterday and all claim that their forefathers were there.

If any further reminder were needed that one gets involved in Afghanistan at one’s peril, the Kabul headquarters of the Nato-led peacekeeping force is on the site of the old British cantonment. Its entire strength fled from here in January 1842 after a tribal revolt against the British-imposed ruler.

Of the 16,000 soldiers, wives, children and camp followers who left, only one got away; the rest were massacred or taken prisoner by Ghilzai tribesmen. Only Dr William Brydon was deliberately left alive to tell the tale and warn people back home of the consequences of getting involved in Afghanistan.

In a country that has ended up as a graveyard for so many thousands of British soldiers, why don’t we learn from history?

This time the politicians tell us that we have gone to make peace, not war — to “secure the area so that development can take place and extend the reach of the Karzai government”. But we are woefully underequipped for either: already six British soldiers have lost their lives within 24 days, victims once more of the Ghilzai Pashtuns.

Last month saw 53 “TICs” — troops in contact, in other words under Taliban attack — and last week there were two nights during which all but one of the British bases and outposts in Helmand came under attack.

How did it all go so wrong? Why does a senior British military officer talk despairingly of “military and developmental anarchy”?

AFGHANISTAN was supposed to be the success story.
Sneak Peak at This Week's Column

Here's the first and last paragraph of this week's column, which is scheduled to go online tonight.

Why Enron Chief Was Better Than "Philanthropists"
Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Ken Lay--all thieves. Compared to the world's two richest men, however, Lay was small potatoes. So why are we praising them, and kicking Lay while he's down--six feet down?
Consider a burglar who boosts your TV and then, thinking better of it, donates it to an orphanage. His act of generosity beats the alternative--keeping it for himself. But you'd probably prefer that he'd returned it to you, or better yet, never stolen it at all.
Signs I'm Doing Something Right

One of my cartoons is on the front page of Slate today.

And right-wing ersatz White House reporter/outed gay prostitute cum "Voice of the New Media" Jeff Gannon took a swing at me. With enemies like that, who needs friends?

Saturday, July 8, 2006

Available for the First Time Online

I am frequently requested for digital versions of my 1995 essay for Might Magazine entitled "Quit Your Job, Work is a Sham." Heretofore this seminal bit of Generation X arcana had existed only in print in two books, both out of print: my 1998 book REVENGE OF THE LATCHKEY KIDS and a Might anthology entitled "Shiny Adidas Trackshoes and the Death of Camp." (Dave Eggers has always had trouble coming up with good titles.)

Now thanks to an obsessive blogger's efforts at transcription, there's an online version. For the record, Plant Seeds' efforts are a flagrant copyright violation. Also for the record, I own the copyright and I hereby authorize this particular version because it's so cool.

There are some typos and a lot of punctuation errors but in deference to the huge demand for this piece, I'm pointing you to it nevertheless.
Blind Auction

Time to try something new: the blindest of blind auctions. Up for bids: something that I assure you is very, very tasty: the complete original artwork, comprising 99 full comic pages, of the five graphic novellas in my forthcoming 304-page blockbuster SILK ROAD TO RUIN: IS CENTRAL ASIA THE NEW MIDDLE EAST? My publisher, not the flattering type, calls it the best work of my career.

Not only have I never done this before, I have never before sold a single page from any of my graphic novel format comics. As collectors of comic art know, complete collections of an entire book are almost NEVER sold off by cartoonists.

What, you wanna see the goods? It's a BLIND auction, silly. Gotta have faith!

OK, so here are the terms:

Minimum Bid for 99 pages of comic art from SILK ROAD TO RUIN: $4,500

(My price for individual cartoons is normally $500 each.)

How to Bid: Send e-mail to Highest bid wins. All bids kept private.

Offer Expires: July 22, 2006 (a few days before the book hits stores)

Winning bidder required to pay immediately upon notification.

Minimum bid goes to $10,000 if I do this after July 22, 2006.

Winning buyer is required to cooperate with museums and galleries wishing to borrow artwork for exhibitions.

Copyrights remain with me.

My apologies to people who love my work but can't afford this admittedly expensive offer. Tasty Ted Rall ephemera at affordable goods to follow at some point in the future.