Friday, February 24, 2006

Ann Coulter Update

I'm starting to feel optimistic. As of this minute pledges for the Rall v. Coulter slander and libel lawsuit fund total $13,716.00. If pledges keep coming in, especially some big ones (though the vast majority of those so far have been modest sums, so the little ones do count for a lot), we may have enough money to move ahead with holding the right-wing attack dog to account for her lies.

Some have asked about Garry Trudeau and the New York Times, both of whom were falsely said to have entered Iran's Holocaust cartoon contest as well. As far as I know neither party intends to pursue legal action. So it's all up to me--and you.

Others have asked what I will do if I win a judgement. My conclusion: I will return any net winnings to each individual donor in direct proportion to their contribution. So if you give 5% of the up-front funds, you'll get 5% of the winnings.

Another question concerns what I will put up towards the cause. Besides my own time and effort staving off the Right-Wing Attack Machine that will no doubt go after me I will be responsible for any legal fees over and above contributions. If I were rich and could afford to do this on my own, I would. Just to be clear.

Please send pledges via email to Do NOT send money until I contact you with the news that we are moving forward with the suit as I do not want to have to issue refunds if nothing happens.

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