Thursday, February 16, 2006

Coulter Ups the Ante, Repeats anti-Semitic Smear in Print

Coulter may be able to laugh away her speech to the CPAC last week as "just a joke," though I say it's slander. (And so does my lawyer!) Now she's compounded her assault on my reputation by putting into print. In this week's syndicated Ann Coulter column, she specifically smears me as some sort of neo-Nazi Holocaust revisionist type:

The mass violence by Muslims over some cartoons reminds us why we have to worry when countries like Iran start talking about having nukes. Iran is led by a lunatic who makes a big point of denying the Holocaust. Indeed, in response to the Muhammad cartoons, one Iranian newspaper is soliciting cartoons about the Holocaust. (So far the only submissions have come from Ted Rall, Garry Trudeau and The New York Times.)

I have a call into my lawyer about this, but this is clearly a case of libel added to her previous slander.

As stated previously, I will sue her if I can raise sufficient funds. If some of the big liberal blogs see fit to publicize this effort, I may have a chance. If not, look for even more right-wing smears on the integrity of those of us who oppose the Bush Administration and its policies.

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