Friday, February 3, 2006

Hannity & Colmes Postscript

Caveat dessinator.

I've appeared on many television programs, including on Fox, and have made deals with producers prior to appearing. Before my appearance on "Hannity & Colmes" tonight, I negotiated the following terms:

1. No mention whatsoever of my cartoons, current or previous, or my work in general. I'm just there to discuss Tom Toles' cartoon and the Danish Mohammed cartoon series.

2. Mention my radio show.

3. Show images of my book.

I know they did 3. They may have done 2. Number 1, on the other hand, they lied about. Halfway through the discussion, after only having discussed Toles (no Mohammed), Hannity began his simpleminded "you have no heart, you have no soul" routine while displaying a fuzzy version of my Pat Tillman cartoon. Boy, did I ever feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football while Lucy held it.

I certainly lit into Hannity, but that's not the point. The point is, if you go onto that show, you cannot trust their producer. If they tell you you're there to discuss a cartoon, they may ambush you with anything and anyone they want. Just as a fellow cartoonist warned me about Katie Couric's ambushing tendencies--I refused her show's invitation because of this--I'm warning you now.

"Hannity & Colmes" is much worse than a right-wing shoutfest for and by idiots (yes, including me). It is run by unprofessional liars.

P.S. The producer who made these promises, perhaps because he was a college classmate of mine, apologized for ten minutes after the show, saying he was shocked when he saw the Pat Tillman cartoon queued up on the control board because he had been specifically told that it wouldn't be there. "Be prepared for a very angry guest," he told the technicians. He was partly trying to diffuse responsibility, but there was likely some truth to his story.

Anyway, consider yourself warned.

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