Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden? Zzzzzzzzz

This isn't as bad as 2000, when someone told me on a bus in Kyrgyzstan that Al Gore had picked Lieberman, the world's least telegenic politician and America's least Democratic Democrat, as his running mate. But Barack Obama's pick for VP is a disappointment.

Following the Clintonian policy of deliberately squandering every opportunity, the Obama campaign seems to know their choice is a disaster. Why else break the news so that it would emerge on a Saturday in late August, one of the deadest news days of the year?

The big question is why. Of course, we know Obama felt he needed some foreign policy cred. But others could have provided that. The trouble with Biden is, well, he ain't change we can believe in, is he? He's the same old, same old--and, as a fellow senator, redundant at that.

John Edwards would have been a better a choice. So would Hillary. At least people would be talking about them.

I'm boning up on my McCain caricature. Looks like I'll need it.


  1. Ted, you know I love your comics but now you're just being ornery for the sake of being ornery.

    Joe Biden gives old white people permission to vote for the black guy with the funny name. Plain and simple.

    As to John Edwards. . . umm, I think there's a reason why he's not the best choice for VP. Can't remember what that reason is, though. . . could it have something to do with cheating on his wife while she was dying of cancer? No, that can't be it. . . most American voters are too concerned with policy minutiae to worry about a guy who cheated on his wife while she was dying of cancer, right? LOL.

    You're going to have to reconcile yourself to the unpleasant fact that the strongest Democratic candidate in 30 years is going to win the White House and inspire people.

    I know that's a bitter realization for a professional curmudgeon like you, but you better start reconciling yourself to this awful fact.

  2. Joe Biden gives old white people permission to vote for the black guy with the funny name. Plain and simple.
    Agreed, now the racist Democrats can vote for a black and say they are voting for a white.

  3. At least it's not Hillary...

    I've said "Anybody but Hillary" but there are worse choices. Like naming Charles Manson and promising to pardon him, give him command of some really crazy "Special Forces" units and appoint him the "Secretary of Population Management"... Maybe that would be worse than Hillary.

  4. Biden lied, people died:

    October 9th, 1999 Letter to President Clinton Signed by Senators Levin, Lieberman, Lautenberg, Dodd, Kerrey, Feinstein, Mikulski, Daschle, Breaux, Johnson, Inouye, Landrieu, Ford and Kerry -- all Democrats

    "We urge you, after consulting with Congress and consistent with the US Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions, including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."

    Joe Biden > August 4, 2002
    "This is a guy who is an extreme danger to the world, and this is a guy who is in every way possible seeking weapons of mass destruction."

    Joe Biden > August 4, 2002
    "I think he has anthrax. I have not seen any evidence that he has smallpox, but you hear them say, Tim (Russert), is the last smallpox outbreak in the world was in Iraq; ergo, he may have a strain."

    Joe Biden > August 4, 2002
    "[H]e does have the capacity, as all terrorist-related operations do, of smuggling stuff into the United States and doing something terrible. That is true. But there's been no connection, hard connection made yet between he and al-Qaida or his willingness or effort to do that thus far. Doesn't mean he won't. This is a bad guy."

    Joe Biden > August 4, 2002
    "We know he continues to attempt to gain access to additional capability, including nuclear capability."

    Joe Biden > August 4, 2002
    "First of all, we don't know exactly what he has. It's been five years since inspectors have been in there, number one. Number two, it is clear that he has residual of chemical weapons and biological weapons, number one."

  5. Agreed, now the racist Democrats can vote for a black and say they are voting for a white.

    Yeah, like that's going to happen...

  6. I'm with you on Edwards. Not so much on Hillary. I think if Obama had picked Hillary, Obama would have been shot dead in the first 6 months.

  7. Rall is out to lunch as usual, and still bitter about his "Obama Shlobama" screw-up. So of course, he wants Obama to lose so he can falsely claim Hillary would have won. LOL!! Certainly there's no Clinton haters out there. LOL!!

    Ted's shallow insights are par for the course. It's clear Obama's campaign wanted to milk McCain's Housing Crisis as long as possible, thus delaying the announcement.

  8. Anyone who votes for Obama is voting for a black guy and a white guy at the same time, no matter who his veep is. And I don't think that's a bad thing. Biracial is great; bipartisan is a problem.

    Wimps who give in to neo-cons don't make great presidents. I'd much rather have an adulterer with guts. I'd even rather hold my nose and go with an untrustworthy bitch who knows how to fight dirty. Instead we have an inspirational sap who folds to the Republicans every chance he gets. I support him, but I don't enjoy it.

    Jana C.H.
    Saith Floss Forbes: If you don't know the tune, sing tenor.

  9. Biden brings both foreign policy credibility and ability to maneuver Obama's leftist legislation in the Senate due to his experience and contacts, but also blue collar respectability, see e.g., his financial disclosure that shows him to not be at all well off and also his working class roots. He was deemed the third-most liberal senator (Obama being the most).

    Plus, Biden suffered a horrific family tragedy and got through it.

    He also got knocked out of his 1988 presidential run over the usual silliness in American politics (plagiary, in a 1L law school class and political speech) and overcame.

    Bottom line is, the guy is a survivor. And, most importantly, a fellow alumnus! Go Joe!

  10. Biden was a competent and pragmatic pick. I agree anon #1 that sometimes Ted comes across as being ornery for its own sake.

    On the other hand, he could be worse, look at Edward's comment. I think it's the least dignified stretch at swiftboating I've seen him attempt.

  11. Wow... I'm overwhelmed with the anti-Biden sentiment. Count me as one who has been a huge fan of his for years and years. I think he embodies what I want in politics: principle, determination, and empathy. And yes, it's a bazillion times better than HRC or Edwards. But I'd have preferred Sibelius and McCaskill to those two anyway.

  12. My dream pick would have been Jim Webb. He would have given Obama a hell of a national security base. Of course, Ted, and his issues with the military probably doesn't like Mr. Webb. And of course, he said he had no desire to be VP.

    I don't get you, Rall. Sometimes you are so right that I pump my fist and make noises, and at other times you sound like a grouchy old man. Unfortunately, more and more you sound like a grouchy old man.

  13. As usual Aggie, you do not refute any facts in my posting. At least you didn't use your standard "way to miss the point".

    Here's more for ya:

    Biden on Meet the Press in 2007, on Husseins WMDs: Well, the point is, it turned out they didnt, but everyone in the world thought he had them. The weapons inspectors said he had them. He catalogued they catalogued them. This was not some, some Cheney, you know, pipe dream. This was, in fact, catalogued.

    Biden to the Brookings Institution in 2005: We can call it quits and withdraw from Iraq. I think that would be a gigantic mistake. Or we can set a deadline for pulling out, which I fear will only encourage our enemies to wait us out equally a mistake.

  14. As someone who grew up in Delaware, I laugh at this choice. Biden has diarrhea of the mouth and he'll get Obama in trouble eventually.

    As a working-class income level American, Biden's shepherding of the bankruptcy bill for his corporate sponsors in Wilmington is utterly disgusting, given the current credit crisis.

    As a Nader/Gonzalez supporter, I only ask - do you need any more evidence that Obama/Biden is the corporate choice this year?

  15. I'm just glad that Obama didn't pick a GOP member in some "post-partisan unity" crap. Could have been better, could have been much much worse.

    And the "deadest news day" in the year was filled with the media speculating about who Obama's VP pick was going to be. This is about as positive of coverage Obama can hope to glean.

  16. Edward.

    As usual Aggie, you do not refute any facts in my posting. At least you didn't use your standard "way to miss the point".

    Yes. I've already explained why, several times (one or two Ted didn't post but that's not my fault, nor my problem).

  17. Biden is okay, but he provides no inspiration. Everyone talks about how they're worried about Obama because the race is so close and he's received no bounce at all. Well, Biden hasn't helped him there. The first CNN poll conducted since announcing his selection shows the race a TIE. Not only is that bad for him, but it represents a drop seeing as a month ago, Obama was 7pts ahead.

    Honestly, I think that the reason he never considered Hillary Clinton at all has everything to do with self interest. He clearly could not bring himself to put the needs of the party above his own ego, swallow his pride and ask her.
    Otherwise it seems to me that selecting her would have easily given him a huge bounce. He would have gotten that fifteen or sixteen point bounce in the polls.

  18. Greenguy,

    Can I ask a question? I mean this in the most respectful way. What do you actually think will happen here? Short of wholesale campaign reform (which sounds great to me), third parties are going to be doomed for the near to mid term at least. You'd need to completely decouple money from the system and make it public access. But realistically, this will not happen. So, what are your honest expectations as a Nader supporter? (BTW, he's not the green candidate, so... what are you doing exactly?)

  19. Anonymous said...
    Biden brings both foreign policy credibility and ability to maneuver Obama's leftist legislation in the Senate due to his experience and contacts, but also blue collar respectability, see e.g., his financial disclosure that shows him to not be at all well off and also his working class roots. He was deemed the third-most liberal senator (Obama being the most).

    Plus, Biden suffered a horrific family tragedy and got through it.

    He also got knocked out of his 1988 presidential run over the usual silliness in American politics (plagiary, in a 1L law school class and political speech) and overcame.

    Obama the most liberal senator? Hey, Anon, ever hear of Bernie Sanders, an avowed SOCIALIST. Ted Kennedy? Russ Feingold?

    You have GOT to stop listening to so much Fox News.

  20. What picking Biden for v.p. demonstrates better than anything:

    Even if Obama DOES get elected and does NOT get assassinated, it'll just be another four years of war and pandering to corporate multi-nationals--change? It's like changing a diaper, you know it's just gonna fill up with crap again, but you have to do it anyway.

  21. Confidential to Aggie:

    I've been posting everything you've sent up.

  22. Windham Bob,

    If you used any rigour in political definitions, an "avowed SOCIALIST", could never be called a "liberal".

  23. Incitatus

    Agreeing on political terminology involves educating oneself on history and context, and finding consensus. It's not something Americans are willing to do. They'd rather just yell past each other.

    It's why we deserve what we get.

  24. He'd make a good hatchet man. BHO is playing the "nice guy", and can't sling shit.

  25. Biden said, dividing Iraq into three based on its ethnicity clearly makes him man with "expertise" on foreign affairs. It sucks... WTF he knows about Iraq? He may know little more than what Obama understand - that is all.

    Ted, do you still believe in crappy slogan "Change... "? We all better "change" to idiots if we have not turned yet. We can be at least happy.

    Whatever Obama accused Hillary during the primary is being followed in bigger scale by him now. This is the "Change"?

    I bet McCain picks a "acclaimed" economist and wins confidence and votes.

    Ted, you better fine tune your style of drawing McCain. You need that image for another 4 years at least.

  26. Aggie,
    Agreeing on political terminology involves educating oneself on history and context, and finding consensus
    Political terms are already defined; all you need is a dictionary.

  27. Edward, did it ever occur to you that there might be more than one dictionary, and that lay usage of language rarely follows precise meanings of language?

    No. It probably did not. Take for example terms like Liberal, neo-liberal, neo-classical, neo-conservative. Even amongst scholars of rhetoric there is a lot of debate and nuance about what these terms really mean.

    Or how about calling Texas a 'red state' in the context of the Cold War? Is it as red as Cuba?

    Terminology is the linguistic interpretation of concepts. Just because a dictionary has a definition does not imply that all (or even many) will follow that definition consistently. Language is about shared meaning, this is why new words get added to dictionaries.

    Next time you have a thought, try just letting go of it.

  28. I don't understand the pick. I am not a Dem voter so you will have to excuse me. But beyond any of his political positions does he not come off as a d-bag? would have gone with Richardson or Sam Nunn.

  29. Bill Richardson would have made a better veep choice because of 3 reasons

    1 he's more experienced than biden

    2 he could get the hispanic vote

    3 he hasn't put his foot in his mouth as much as biden
