Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cartoon for August 11

The commander of Guantánamo admits that U.S. interrogators now spend more time asking detainees about activity in the concentration camp than, say, actionable intelligence.


  1. What is Obama going to do with all of the detainees?

  2. WAIT, this is only ONE side of the issue!

    Ted is only presenting HIS side of the issue. He should show the OTHER side too. That would be fair. That would be more correct. The middle is always best. Always.

    $000 < $250 > $500

    see. I proved it!

  3. Ted, Your column this week has got to be about Georgia. We need your insight in to the next cold war. Later...

  4. Liberal Ted Rall would rather loose these terrorists on America than keep them where they can do no harm. This is the typical liberal attitude toward terrorists - we must try to understand their side of things. Like Obama, Rall is part of the "Hate America First" crowd.

  5. I have to say, Ted, that this is one of your most deeply ironic and bitter cartoons about the Kafkaesque situation of the detainees. Kudos.

  6. Last night's beef bourguignon! Laughed to near shorts explosion...

  7. Anon 11:00 am.

    It isn't that I hate America so much as that I hate small minded jackasses such as yourself. When I was growing up as the Cold War was slowly grinding to a halt (of course we didn't know that at the time), I thought that us American's were better than those commies in Vietnam, China and the Soviet Union BECAUSE we didn't torture people, because we didn't disappear people, becasue we had real trials (rather than soviet style kangaroo courts), and because didn't delight in the suffering of others. I am not sure what happened. Now it appears that the guys most interested in wearing a red, white and blue shirt and waving a flag are also the guys most likely to get excited about engaging in commie style inhumanity.

  8. >>>Liberal Ted Rall would rather loose these terrorists on America than keep them where they can do no harm. This is the typical liberal attitude toward terrorists - we must try to understand their side of things. Like Obama, Rall is part of the "Hate America First" crowd.>>>

    You cannot defeat an enemy if you don't understand their side of things, Anonymous. Furthermore, the absurdity of your statement is astounding. Ted Rall lives in New York; why would he want to unleash terrorists where he lives?

    You really need to get a grip on reality, Anonymous.

  9. I concur with Dennis, the beef bourguignon one was priceless. One of Ted's funniest.
    OTOH, I can't believe that the second anonymous is a serious comment rather than a sock puppet playing its part so people can sound sanctimonious.

  10. Ha Ha Ted this is one of your funniest ever! The beef is about to blow up in my briefs! Ha.
    ,Ha,Ha,You tooo funny! Thank you Ted for keeping insanity sane!

  11. "If I see a change in behavior, my question then will be, well, is this because of a new procedure I've implemented, or is this just because it's hot outside, or I've got a new rotation of detainee guards?"

    Innocent people are usually happy to be locked up for years, as long as the new guard isn't a total bitch or something.

  12. Still nothing to say about Edwards? If Rall had his way, Edwards would be our nominee right now, and the entire election would be lost...

    Just sayin...

  13. I thought anonymous was writting tongue in cheek.

  14. Anon 8:12

    I STILL would have voted for Edwards even if this was public. Who cares if he had a brief affair. Most married people have affairs. People in emotionally stressful situations often seek comfort in others. I think "my wife is dying of cancer" qualifies in emotionally stressful. Why are you righties so obsessed with sex? Really.. You guys seem to be obsessed with dirty sex all the time. Are you so repressed by your idiotic, small minded authoritarianism that you have your mind deeply in the gutter all the time? Edwards affair is between Edwards and his wife. Just like Clinton's affair should have been between him and his wife.

    There is little evidence of a relationship between someone's sexual faithfulness and effectiveness as a leader. In fact, I would argue that the truth is that guys that are good leaders tend to be arrogant, power hungry, smart and horny. Reagan had affairs (his lovely wife Nancy started her relationship with Ronnie whilst he was still married to another woman). Churchill banged every hooker in London. JFK was a notorious swordsman (and we as a nation were damn proud of him). FDR was crippled but had an ongoing affair with a little hottie 30 years his junior. Eisenhower had a lover and a wife. McArthur was notorious for having 3-4 brown beauties accompany him to bed in the Phillipines.

    Bush II, however, is faithful to his vapid Laura but couldn't lead a group of 10 year olds on a 1 mile hike down a straight trail. He is apparently into violent homeosexual images, but he doesn't mess around on his wife. Carter was faithful and was a much better leader as an ex-president than a president (in otherwords, he did fine in a symbolic role, but couldn't lead when he was the executive). Herbert Hoover was supposed to be a faithful husband, and he did great as president (if you consider starting a protracted depression as doing a great job).

  15. "Bush II, however, is faithful to his vapid Laura..."

    yeah, suuuuure he is. LOL!

    the chimp is a closet case. his marriage is for show. he's probably spent more time in bed with jeff gannon/guckert during his term than he has with the stepford librarian...

  16. Kurt, I agree with you that private affairs are private, period, even if the people involved are public officials. Of course, with these folks there's always the possibility of blackmail, and some would argue this makes it a matter of public concern.

    OTOH, I do think you expect too much ("lead us") from politicians. They are just top echelon bureaucrats, put in office to do a job for a fixed term. We should expect them not to do a big mess of a job, and that's about it. In this respect, I think Carter outshines all the big honchos you mentioned, i.e., he did not go around bombing foreig countries.

  17. Who knows with the Bushes? Dumbya's daddy had a mistress for over 20 years. It was an open secret and it was hardly ever brought up by anyone.

    For some reason the bastards have always gotten good press that way.

  18. Anon 3:40

    This is Anon 8:12.

    You can talk about how great Edwards could lead, but if he was OUR nominee (I am not a repub), there would be NO CHANCE of him ever winning the election in the first place if his affair came out.

    I am simply wondering if Rall will address this issue, since he still seems bitter about Obama being the nominee.

  19. "JFK was a notorious swordsman (and we as a nation were damn proud of him)"

    Yeah but it was MARILYN MUNROE!!! Now that's some worthy recreation for a man who's staring down the Cuban missile crisis during office hours.

  20. Why are you righties so obsessed with sex? Really.. You guys seem to be obsessed with dirty sex all the time. Are you so repressed by your idiotic, small minded authoritarianism that you have your mind deeply in the gutter all the time? Edwards affair is between Edwards and his wife. Just like Clinton's affair should have been between him and his wife.
    I don't know the politics of The Inquirer. Are they conservatives? And the people I've seen saying his career is over are Democrats. Take a look over at DU.

  21. Edward,

    The reality is that his career is over, but that is a reality only because a large number of Americans seem to be dumb, confused about the difference between rich people's marriages and their own, and obsessed with elite's sexual escapades. The right wingers tend to be way off the charts. Ken Starr, famous fundy lawyer, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars just documenting the dirty things that Bill Clinton did to Monica. To include what kind of sex they had in such explicit detail in the report (and by the way, that report exonerates Clinton for lying, since Ken Starr defined sexual relations as vaginal penetration by a man's penis) is indicative of a deeply troubled and sex obsessed person. John Ashcroft spent 40k so that when he made a speach nobody would see lady justice's tits. Nevermind that there is a reason that lady justice is naked and blind. When the anti-homosexual crowd talks about hot man-on-man action, you can almost imagine them in a tenderloin sex club watching men get it on with sweaty glee.

    So, yeah. Edwards is done, but only because we live in a puritanical society in which barely anyone lives up to the fake moral standards that exist. The driving force behind the tyranny of the fake puritans are right wing evangelical christians who are so twisted up sexually by their repressive churches that they frequently act out in inappropriate ways. It is the same group of people that wants to lock up a guy for life for selling some harmless (by every scientific standard) pot to some poor shmoo who is dying of cancer or in chronic pain.

  22. incitatus sez re. Edwards scandal:
    "Of course, with these folks there's always the possibility of blackmail, and some would argue this makes it a matter of public concern."

    Humans like to do things which society happens to forbid.
    There are 16 private eyes for every spy in government.
    most public officials are being blackmailed.

    Perhaps this administration's efforts to increase state power are actually to counteract this feedback loop.

  23. I have no idea what Ken Star has to do with Edwards. Edwards is an arrogant, tax dodging, sleazy, slip and fall lawyer who got caught by a tabloid. Frankly, I think the pompous ass got what he deserves. Explain to me again how conservatives or Ken Star did this to him?
