Friday, August 29, 2008

Cartoon for August 30

Pakistan impeached their dictator. Why can't we do the same to ours?


  1. dude, you nailed pelosi!

    wait-- that sounded bad... i mean that your caricature of her is very accurate. i don't mean anything unsavory, i swear.

    although i used to think she was kinda hot, until she revealed herself to be a slimeball POS...

  2. You know the answer, Ted, because we're Americans....and we just can't do that.

    I know, it's not funny...sorry!

  3. Women presidents? Sarah Palin, at your service!

  4. Pakistan!!! BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA! (sniffle sniffle)

    I think they've had a female pres too.

  5. btw afaik pakistan does have one type of "national" healthcare system. but since it's religiously mandated and not governmentally mandated, what works in theory may not be working very well in practice anymore.

  6. Oh. Well I guess we have Pelosi. That's sort of closest thing we have to a prime minister so I guess we're even there.

  7. If the U.S. Government implemented a national healthcare system today, it would just codify the worst of our current healthcare system into law. Instead of our employers paying HMOs princely sums to deny us care, the government will be paying HMOs even more to deny us care.

    Unfortunately, just about all that's left of our healtcare system is the ability to go to your family doctor to get antibiotics and pay cash. Its not much, but its better than nothing. I'd hate to see this banned in favor of some inaccessable national system designed to line the HMO's pockets.

    Its not the New Deal anymore. Bush and friends would sell the copper wiring in the White House and keep the cash if they could.

  8. ""btw afaik pakistan does have one type of "national" healthcare system. but since it's religiously mandated and not governmentally mandated, what works in theory may not be working very well in practice anymore.""

    Please elborate your arcanely stated sentence.


  9. I am going to humiliate Pelosi during a public speech, and there will be no way to stop me, because I will not even really be there.
    Any ideas on possible messages?
    (3-4 words)

    Note to any govt snoops:

    nothing illegal is planned

  10. We can't because we don't care anymore - anymore than we care whether we are killing thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Americans who were upset that Clinton had an affair and lied about it don't exist anymore - we are a nation of apathetic self-centered people - the America that once was has been dumbed-down into a non-responsive electorate.

  11. I think I got my phone bugged from that last one...

  12. Why can't America have like 10 military coups in 50 years?
