Monday, January 5, 2009

Behind the Rubric: THE BUSHIES

I've watched this new animation many times, and it still makes me laugh. I hope you like it as much as I do!


  1. I mean sure, pliosaurs were big and mean and ruled the Mesozoic seas, but it seems unjust to hang Dick Cheney on them.

    Rock on Ted!

  2. Hey Ted, that's absolutely fantastic! Nice allusion to Deep Purple at the beginning.

    I'm very worried for the future of the country, and the potential for radicalization. The difference between the 1930s and today is that the United States wasn't truly a military force then, and it is now. The hard right insists that what got us out the great depression was not the New Deal, but World War II. I worry that, in a bid to win and regain power, the right wing will see answers in military adventurism.

    This troubles me in the moments between waking up and getting that first cup of coffee. Does it trouble you?

  3. Good cartoon, Ted, but it could be a little longer and develop the role of Condi a bit more.


    Then there's the Old Right and the Libertarians, who insist that what got the US out of the Depression was the end of the war, and all the waste it and the New Deal brought. But I digress...

    I don't know about you, but I wouldn't put it behind Obama and the Dem majority to embark on some bellicose adventurism of their own. After all, the wacky idea that wars are good for the economy is as popular with some on the Left as it is with the Right.

  4. Ted, I say this as one of your staunchest fans: I really think you ought to take a long hard look at what you are trying to accomplish with these animations. With this latest one it's as if you are so enamored of the idea of animation that you forgot to write jokes for it.

    I'm beginning to suspect that your style of humor just isn't suited to the format, but if you really just have a burning desire to produce animation, consider finding a different collaborator. Essman's Simpsonesque style doesn't mesh with yours at all. And for heaven's sake, pick up the pace. If you boiled this down to a 4 panel cartoon it still wouldn't be funny, but at least I wouldn't have had to spend two minutes reading the space between the panels.

  5. Valmont's wrong. This cartoon is HILARIOUS!

  6. Hey Incitatus,

    Absolutely correct that the idea that economic prosperity can be achieved through victory on the battlefield is not the sole possession of the Right Wing. In fact it is very much ingrained in American political discourse and memory BECAUSE OF World War II. We were heroic, we were good, we were popular, and we prospered (or so the storybooks and John Wayne movies told us).

    The mentality permeates the entire landscape, and that is precisely why it is so dangerous: it can be used effectively by any political regime to mobilize and unify. It's not that I put it behind Obama and company so much as I believe it will come from a more militant faction that is currently not in power, and be used in concert with Obama's future economic "failures" (read: inability to heal all wounds of our current economic free fall) to sweep into power.

    It'll be hailed as a new idea, just like the resurgent machoism of Russia under Putin. I think we will see over the next 10 years a resurgence of chauvinistic nationalism across the globe. You already see it in China and Russia, and it's always existed in the United States. It will also gain strength in Latin America, I believe.

    I say it is a right wing philosophy because it is. It is counter to Neo-LIBERALISM, which stresses a move away from statism and toward internationalism. Labor nationalism coupled with conservative backlash nationalism equals Smoot-Hawley, followed by "Things fall apart".......followed by WE ARE ALL SCREWED this time around.

    Enjoy your nukular winter, scheduled for October of 2016. Sorry, Star Trek fans, the Vulcans aren't here to save us.

  7. "Machoism"? Is that a blend of machismo and Maoism?
    That's even more obnoxious than the Brits' nasty habit of pronouncing it as "makismo".

  8. There's definitely nothing Simpsonesque about these cartoons. The only real problem is the amateurish voice work.

  9. Anamation and jokes were just fine.....

    love the content...

  10. South Park proved the art barely matters. It's all about the writing and the voice acting. A finished audio track and storyboard could even be published up front and animators around the world could compete to deliver the best video.

  11. It was OK. I have to agree with Valmont, though. You should use a different style of humour for animation if you really want to do cartoons.

    Sadly the best part I liked was the end, as the Plesiosaur/cheney gracefully swims across the scene, to the cord of TNT.

    ac/dc and sound effects - good
    plot line and story telling - bland.


  12. Getting better my man! Still a bit slow in places, and the dialogue still seems stilted - too many pauses. But yeah - getting good!
