Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cartoon for January 5, 2009

Read to the tune of The Kinks' "Low Budget."


  1. Good one! The way things are, it sure looks like Obama really will be the last president. There is no way to finance 6000 billion dollar ROLLOVER debt and new debt of about 2000 billion THIS YEAR ALONE!

    Collapse is coming and probably quite soon...

  2. How much would an advertising space cost on the president's Coat?

    More and more does Mike Judge's vision that is "Idiocracy" ring true in society and your comic's Ted.

    If you haven't seen it you should really check it out.

  3. While it does distract from the humor, you can get sworn in as President by any judge- even a Justice of the Peace (Calvin Coolidge did that). Maybe it's a good idea we can use in the future...
