Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cartoonists Misderemember Bush

The Washington Post has a piece quoting cartoonists about what they'll miss most about the Bush years--not as people, but as cartoonists.

And here I was thinking cartoonists were people.


  1. I read your bit Ted. Then I went on to read CNN and saw two new challenges to the Obama administration.

    Noriega and Bin Laden.

    On the latter, the worst possible thing the Obama administration could do is say, "we'll catch him and we'll make it a priority" That will give you a lot of work if he does and will more than likely lose a lot of base of support when he doesn't turn out at all.

    The second with Noriega was his POW status. How can you be a POW of a war that never happened? It's like being categorized as a POW who supported the Rebel Alliance and then thrown in a Bush jail. What exact message will they convey if they send Noriega to France and not Panama. The latter wants to charge him with murder the former drug trafficking. Next time a GI gets captured he'll be sent to Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc. and charged until he's dead.

    His term hasn't even started and he already has some major social issues to deal with other than the huge elephant in the room (the economy).

  2. No they're not, because they hate freedom.

  3. clownstotheleftofmejokerstotherightJanuary 15, 2009 at 3:22 PM

    It's an easy mistake to make.
