Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cartoon for July 2, 2009

I'm starting to wonder: will Americans know how to mourn if someone worthwhile ever dies?


  1. I'm not here to play devil's advocate or anything, but was there ever any evidence against him besides the testimony of lawsuit-happy parents who were so "innocent" as to let their children spend the night alone with a thirty-something years old adult? Anyways, the past and present US administrations do their worst to keep a child molester in power in Afghanistan, so what's the big deal?

    I'm guessing that "someone worthwhile" would be someone like El Comandante Fidel, who is proving to be a hardy old SOB. Not eager to dance around the bonfires of Hell, that one.

  2. Michael Jackson was tried and acquitted by the court of his molestation charges. Please do not accuse someone of child molestation when you have no proof of it.

    Michael Jackson revolutionized music industry and the world, and for that I think you should at least give some credit. Also, he was able to unite people(kind of over-dramatizing it here I admit) with his songs. No matter where you were from during the 80s, if you turned on a Michael Jackson song, people would be able to sing to it. America, Europe, Asia, Etc.

    Although I am a long time fan of your works, and love most of your work, I just am not able to see your side of this issue.

    Just my opinion here.

  3. Gotta love the "news" these days.

    Afghanistan under a major offensive.

    North Korea ready to go nuclear somewhere (sadly, they don't know where)

    Iran melting down.

    Iraq ready to disintegrate.

    Unemployment is approaching double digits.

    Where are the major networks?

    At neverland talking to has beens and never wases about Michael Jackson.

    We are doomed, Charlie Brown, doomed.

  4. Everyone has a story on Mr. Jackson, even the World's Socialist Web Site. [15 minutes of Clear Channel followed by 15 minutes of WSWS is a balance.]

    Michael Jackson’s Death

    One writer attributed all the corporate media whitewashing is because there is money to be made [good call, Comandante Obvious]. However, he does have a different viewpoint on the whole wretchedness of Jackson's life.

    Now for something uncomfortable.

    It's okay to speak ill of the dead if they did something to you or they were truly colossal bastards. So, um, maybe someone could have saved up his venom for Art Spiegelman's can't-be-soon-enough demise?

  5. I'm so so so frigging sick of pieces detailing the life of people who die that are famous. do they actually put these things together and shelve them to pull them out at a moments notice. Is this an actual business plan? does some hack news prep agency have life stories on Britney Spears, Paris, Katie Couric, Ted Rall, and every other person out there that they can sell to have a 1/2 hour program for nightline or some other newsish show all for sale at a moment's notice when that person dies?

    I think I just wrote a business plan.

  6. I urge you to go read Maureen Orth's Vanity Fair articles on Jackson.
    The man was CLEARLY not only a child molester, but used (or rather his people used) intimidation, violence and in some cases near kidnapping to force accusers into taking hush money.

  7. Awesome! Finally, somebody speaks the truth. I'll even give him the benefit of his acquittal and say "alleged child molester". Still, it takes some strange behavior to attract those charges. Nobody was more capable of making me cringe than good ol' MJ. He was a talented child, sure. But after that, he was an overrated, overblown train wreck. Did you hear Spike Lee talking about how the "black community" is protective of him? Why?!? Giving him the benefit of the vitiligo, he still married two white women, had three white kids and hung out with white people (Liz Taylor, a million little boys, et. al.) almost exclusively. Have I mentioned before that we're doomed?

    Also, to Anon 1:10pm: yes, that's what they do. They have templates written and regularly updated and all they have to do is put in the date and cause. It's how Bob Hope's obituary was once printed a couple years too early (if there's ever such a thing as "too early" for a Bob Hope obituary).

  8. is anyone really worthwhile?

  9. Funniest cartoon ever. I laughed until I gagged. Then I had a glass of water, calmed down. And laughed until I gagged again. Then I again had a glass of water and calmed down. Then I laughed until I gagged again again.

    The Anonymous Gagger

  10. Ted,
    Just out of curiosity, who would be considered "worthwhile" to mourn?

  11. Q: Will Americans know how to mourn if someone worthwhile ever dies?

    A: Americans won't even be aware if someone worthwhile dies.

    Example: Howard Zinn is getting pretty old. How much media attention do you think his death will get in the U.S.?

  12. Anon 1:10p.m.

    Too late. They actually do have it already. Also if you consider all the major news networks hacks then yeah they do too.

    No offense Ted, but they probably don't have one on Ted Rall.

  13. This is a sad day. I'm dumbstruck that you thought this cartoon was either funny or clever. I guess you really are as hateful and bilious as your critics assert.

  14. The final panel of this comic is very funny -- that said, I disagree with your overall point.

    He was acquitted yet pursued by a very aggressive (read: ambitious) DA.

    Can't say if he was a molester or an accused molester; the courts decided the latter. He was one hell of a performer, lyricist and dancer.

  15. I forgot to add that I was really moved when Michael Jackson passed away in 2007, because his expertise was a guiding light to my leisurely moments.

  16. Fuck Jackson. He was, indeed, a crazy child-molesting sack of shit.


  17. That funeral was damn shiny. Heads, caskets and sunglasses. Joe Jackson has to be one helluva S.O.B.

    This cartoon is great, even if cynical and mean.

    And I agree, he did clear the charges. BUT his people are straight up Chicago School of Thug. So, sure. Acquitted. But still a weird dude. By his own descriptions.

    As for Spike Lee... total racist. Anti-white as they come.

