Monday, July 20, 2009

New Animation: You Can Make a Difference

The earth is doomed, and recycling isn't going to help! Check out my new animated political cartoon with David Essman. If you like these, please tell your local newspaper and magazine editors to pick them up and put them on their websites...or we won't be able to keep doing them! Thanks!


  1. The hate never ends with Rall. Now it's environmentalists. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate.

    How about some solutions Rall?

    Also, the "Sewage-nami" animation is cheesy. You'll have to step it up if you want to make $$ from this.

  2. What a piece of shit.

  3. The planet is a rock & will stay as such. Homo sapiens on the other hand knows the answer to long term survival & will not do anything about it.Notice the silence of the organised religions on this topic,like their particular saviour will do exactly that.So glad I will not be around much longer.

  4. Hi Ted,

    I noticed that your website address does not appear anywhere in the animation. It would be good to add this primary marketing tool to lure in more people here, for instance from YouTube or other sites where the video file can reside.

    Of course people who get really curious can figure it out from the e-mail you feature, but why burdening them with extra workload?

    It would be also good to add the website address within the short (textual) description of the movie.

  5. So... if we don't ask the newspaper websites to publish these daubs, you promise to stop doing them? Sweet!

    P.s. what exactly is the message in your animation? We shouldn't bother to lift a finger, or that we should do more than follow the three R's? Or are you just mocking for the sake of it?

  6. A little weak, needs to be pumped up a bit.

  7. Including the website is an obvious idea. Can't believe we didn't do it. Duh!

    The point isn't not to recycle. It's to realize that only radical change on a vast political and governmental level, one that radically reduces industrial production, is the only thing that might stand a chance of saving us. All else is a distraction.

  8. A haiku for Ted.

    Curious species
    of coprophages emerge
    to hate your discharge

    I liked it and generally agree, I perceive a majority that wishes to be seen as green without significant effort. Affect without effect I suppose. As much as I like your work (and support it by buying your books) I suspect you are clinging to a business model that is shivering its death throes. What about a subscription only premium content site? Get people back to the notion that people should pay for the ideas and product. I hear it works for porn.

  9. rall, this is clearly just an attempt on your part to get attention by pissing people off (like with the tillman thing). poorly reasoned, no real point; just intellectually dishonest, inflammatory crap.

    "...radical change on a vast political and governmental level, one that radically reduces industrial production, is the only thing that might stand a chance of saving us. All else is a distraction."

    so the average joe and jane are supposed to run right out and completely reorganize western civilization? institute "vast" and "radical change" of governments? regular, powerless people are supposed to take on the entrenched power structures that control the world, just push them aside, and restructure everything? what are you, a moron?

    anyone with even the most rudimentary functioning brain stem knows that regular people can't do that. so instead they do what they CAN, because they DO care, and want to help make the world better for everyone. and you think they should be mocked for it. at least recycling DOES do some good. what good will come of this stupid animation (this guy essman you're using really does suck, btw)? you think insulting and alienating good, conscientious people is going to have any sort of positive effects? you're a fool.

    you know rall, you're actually worse than a wingnut like limbaugh or beck, because at least it's obvious that those guys are pricks; you, on the other hand, pretend to be a good guy and to care about human rights and fairness, but you clearly don't. all you care about is getting attention and notoriety for yourself, which you can then try to parlay into a little bit of money.

    you're like a wanna-be andrew dice clay (except that he was actually funny when he was acting like an ignorant dickhead)-- be a huge prick to get attention, and then when you can tell people are getting pissed and you're starting to look bad, lamely try to cover your ass with some disingenuous bullshit about how your intentions are really noble, that it's just satire, etc. "oh no, i'm not mocking just to mock, it's to make people realize that we need radical restructuring on a political and governmental level blah blah blah." that's bullshit. you're just trying to recapture your "tillman cartoon" glory days, back when lots of people were paying attention to you.

    grade: FAIL.

  10. I did enjoy "Cum on Feel the Noize" by Quiet Riot coming out of his radio.

  11. Not being an animation-ist, or even someone who has drawn anything in quite a while, I'm reluctant to criticize anyone else who takes the time to create these. But the "sewage-nami" thing did look more like vomit than garbage.

    I would pay a subscription to visit Ted's site if he decided to do that, but then I agree with him politically (most of the time). Those who disagree probably wouldn't pay, and therefore wouldn't visit. That would be a dilemma within itself.

  12. No One of ConsequenceJuly 22, 2009 at 12:01 PM

    How about some solutions Rall?

    a) Political cartoonists aren’t the guys who are supposed to be fixing everything. Seriously, wtf?

    b) Second, the very fact that the problem is pointed out (if ironically), encourages seeking solutions. Obviously, the point is that political policies, more than bullshit fads, are the cause and solution of environmental issues.

    poorly reasoned, no real point; just intellectually dishonest, inflammatory crap.

    Ah, more wonderful bullshit. So industrial pollution and municipal sewage have miniscule environmental impact, eh? Ah, stupid never gets boring for some.

    regular, powerless people are supposed to take on the entrenched power structures that control the world, just push them aside, and restructure everything? what are you, a moron?

    Exactly. It’s simply impossible for people to change their government. That’s why there was never an American Revolution and all of the European colonies of central and South America have never had a signficant change in regime.

    shorter devil: Poor people have never done shit, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and so they should do pointless shit -- and anyone who says otherwise is bad.

    Well, those who actually struggle for political change will have to push aside people like devil (whose name thereby becomes appropriate); of course, we’ve done it before.

  13. No One of Consequence said...

    ... nothing of consequence.

  14. How about leading by example, Ted? You want radical change on a vast political and governmental level? You want to start waking America up from its collective trance of blinkered wasteful idiocy? Get out there and show people how it's done.

    Oh, wait - you don't know how? Well, join the fucking club. Environmentalism may be a drop in the bucket, but so is political cartooning. Is this the best *you* can do?

  15. No One of ConsequenceJuly 25, 2009 at 7:51 AM

    Oh, good, anonymous: if you can't deal with an argument, ignore it. I just pointed out that criticism is a valid response to bad government policy. Your reply is to whine and spread bullshit. You want to help the U.S.? Leave. It will boost the average intelligence of the population.

  16. "A+" for the Dramarama at the end of the video. The rest ... m'eh.

  17. Yeah, this is better than a few months ago but nowhere near where anybody would pay for it.

    The animation isn't great, and the voice acting is still a total joke. If it's time to ship the product and this is the best they can do, consider starting over completely.
