Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cartoon for July 6, 2009

Ah, the glory that awaits Obama!


  1. Oh that is freaking brilliant.

    Of course I am thinking that Obama keeps what happened to the first two figures foremost in his mind.

  2. weird, is it supposed to simultaneously be night and day in that last panel?

    but yeah, seriously. good cartoon.

  3. Universal Band-Aids, aspirin for all!

  4. oh man, great job on lincoln. but you missed on churchill a little bit there-- he doesn't look fat or drunk enough.

  5. Good work, Ted. This is one of your better ones in recent memory!

  6. The longest journey starts with a single step.


    Geez... now I need a nap. I'll take another step tomorrow....

  7. Anon@3:12AM, I think it might be an allusion to how the moon landing was faked...

  8. The Winston Churchill line is REALLY funny.

  9. That was so an so. I'm wating for Ted to do a cartoon tribute of war criminal Robert McNamara just like he did one of mostly harmless drunkard Boris Yeltsin.

  10. As Aaron McGruder illustrated in that dark winter of 2000 (fin de siecle), the TV hype said, (paraphrasing) pretty much, "Hey, he's pretty good. And isn't pretty good good enough?"

    Now: S.O.S.

  11. You give King Barry too much credit. Saying he is an incrementalist implies that he wants to do good and will do a little bit of good.

    He is incrementally moving in the wrong direction. He takes the worst unofficial practices of his predecessors and legalizes them. He admitted that we torture detainees but says we acted in "good faith". His healthcare plan will save all of the bureaucracy and greed of the old system. Otherwise, the big players would have to cut costs in a down market. He may yet make Afghanistan the 51st state. Don't even get me started on TARP.

    Remember the good old days when politicians actually tried to hide the bad stuff they did? I miss ole' Tricky Dick.

  12. uh, you do know that the lead up to a man on the moon was 12 years of incrementalism, right?
