Sunday, December 14, 2003

Finally, a Dirty Deed Done Right

The news of Saddam Hussein's capture does nothing to validate an illegal and murderous war fought on a pretext of lies, but it's good to see that U.S. forces didn't see fit to execute Hussein as they did his two sons and grandson a few months ago. It'll also be interesting to see whether the Iraqi resistance fades away upon this development; if it does, that will validate the Bushies claim that a few "dead enders" were running the insurgency. If not, it will prove that the anti-U.S. forces are homegrown--something they haven't quite admitted yet. Either way, it will end the sense of limbo that the invasion has given the Iraqi people, and that's probably a good thing. I do have to wonder, though, why didn't the moron flee overseas?

Pentagon stooge Ahmed Chalabi of the Iraqi governing council is currently planning to put the deposed dictator on trial, which would be a wonderfully interesting development. "Saddam will stand a public trial so that the Iraqi people will know his crimes," he said.

The questioning ought to be fun. "When did you first meet Donald Rumsfeld, Mr. Hussein?" "When did the first President Bush tell you it was OK to invade Kuwait, Mr. Hussein?" "How many metric tons of anthrax did President Reagan sell you, Mr. Hussein?"

Gavel to gavel on Court TV, I'll be there.

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