Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Saddam's Capture Changes Nothing

Remember this greatest hit from a few months back?

"Washington had hoped that the deaths of Uday and Qusay would weaken the insurgency..."

That's from the Associated Press archives.

Since I'm directly addressing the capture of Saddam in my column this week, I think it's important for Americans to stop deluding themselves that the war in Iraq cannot be won by such get-won-quick moments as the capture of Saddam. Who can understand the countless comments from Republicans that those of us opposed to the illegal invasion based on countless lies should eat crow simply because we done got Saddie?

Hear this: no one said we weren't gonna catch him.

What we said, and what continues to be true, is that the war was unnecessary, and did more harm than good for many reasons: we trashed our credibility, made others fear and hate us, created a power vacuum, destablized the Middle East, etc. None of that changes just because one dictator has just fallen into the clutches of another dictator.

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