Saturday, February 19, 2005

Ann Coulter, Know Thyself!

Thanks to an astute FOR, Ann Coulter's remark about me on C-SPAN has finally turned up. As it turns out, the neocons' favorite dyed blonde Skeletor namechecked me during a rant about Ward Churchill's tenure:
"This raving lunatic at the University of Colorado, who walks around like he's a big radical, living on the edge, when to the contrary, he can't be fired, he knows he can't be fired, he can say the most outrageous things imaginable, like that cartoonist Ted Rall, who just does things to upset people so his name will get in the paper." I don't really know what Churchill has to do with me, save that I wrote about him last week.
Responding to Ward Churchill's assertion that Indian reservations are the equivalent of Nazi concentration camps," Coulter writes in this week's column: "I forgot Auschwitz had a casino." Yeah, historical revisionism about the American Indian genocide isn't meant to upset people so her name will get in the paper. Pot, meet kettle.

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