Tuesday, February 22, 2005

O'Reilly on Churchill, Redux: Maybe He Should Be Fired After All

Thanks to FOR Matt for sending this along:

These quotes are about the closest O'Reilly has come to giving his opinion on firing Churchill. He seems to be moving closer to saying he should be fired, but he hasn't come right out and said it yet.
February 9, 2005 Wednesday
O'REILLY: The only people, huh? So in the world, according to Churchill, if you sell bonds, insurance, or anything else that furthers capitalism, you're a Nazi.
For this kind of reasoning, the University of Colorado is paying the guy almost $100,000. Now some say Churchill should be charged with treason or sedition. We'll examine that in a few moments. But clearly, the man has some constitutional protections. Where he is vulnerable is in the competency area.
As we mentioned last night, he wrote a book saying that Israel is perpetuating a Holocaust against the Palestinians, and that Hitler's government did not have an institutional plan to exterminate European Jews. Both those statements are false, provable, just like two plus two equals five is false.
If a math teacher put forth that equation, the math teacher would be fired. If an ethnic studies teacher denies the Third Reich had a policy of Jewish mass murder, that teacher has to go.
So say goodbye to Churchill. I predict he'll be fired for incompetence by early March. Now I could be wrong. And even if I'm right, the ACLU will sue on his behalf. That'll be a fascinating case.
But in the end, there are consequences for controversial speech. Every day of my life, someone attacks me because I'm outspoken. There's little I can do but absorb the slander, libel and defamation that comes my way. And so it will be with Churchill. He will pay a big price for his hatred of America and his cruelty to the 9/11 families. But the price should be fair and reasonable. And that's the Memo....
Fox News Network February 7, 2005 Monday
Jason Bruno, Chico, California, "O'Reilly, your push for Churchill's firing is ridiculous."
And so is your letter, Mr. Bruno. I've said many times I am not for firing the guy, although I am reevaluating this based on new information....
Fox News Network February 3, 2005 Thursday
O'REILLY: Sure, sure. All right, Carol. Thanks very much.
And here are the results of our billoreilly.com poll question. We asked you: Should Churchill be fired from the University of Colorado? More than 25,000 of you voted. Eighty-six percent say, yes, he should be fired; 14 percent say no. I was in the no category there. We'll leave the poll question up over the weekend in case you want to weigh in.

Sure sounds like O'Reilly wants Churchill fired to me.

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