Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Geneva Conventions

Andy writes:
Even though I'm a softcore Libertarian who thinks Clinton is the greatest president since James K Polk, I've found myself 99% behind you the last few years. Behind enough to buy subversive cartoonists for my Dad even though I'm still debt ridden student.

I don't know if I agree with Andy about Clinton (or Polk!) but I do miss his economy. Everyone does.
A couple points of disagreement:
1) latest blog entry: The Geneva convention does not apply to the, for lack of a better word, the "terrorists" in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Geneva convention is VERY clear, you MUST WEAR A UNIFORM if you are a soldier. If you do otherwise you are willfully endangering civilians and surrender the rights of a soldier. The Geneva Convention doesn't say anything about terrorists but it does describe "spies" and I think the current insurgents fit the description to a T. Spies have no rights so technically the Bush admin is within the bounds of international law.

Actually, things aren't nearly as clear cut. I just finished reading "The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib," a collection of the Taguba Report and the original memoranda generated by Alberto Gonzales, John Yoo and other administration torture aficianados, which address Geneva and the uniform issue. What Geneva actually says is that soldiers are defined as those who wear clear insignia. That doesn't necessarily mean uniforms. In fact, Taliban militiamen in Afghanistan were distinguished by their black long-tail turbans--which were originally tribal in affiliation but were adapted by the entire Taliban while the non-Taliban tribals took on other garb. U.S. forces tacitly accepted this distinguishing feature by firing at anyone wearing one, even from aerial Predator drones and it was well known in the theater of war.
In Iraq, many of the insurgents are former Iraqi government officers and soldiers and still wear uniforms in combat. In both Afghanistan and Iraq, moreover, resistance fighters are covered under the qualification that both are indigenous resistance forces covered under Geneva, uniformed or not.
Al Qaeda militia, however, probably do not qualify under Geneva with the exception of those who also fought under the former Afghan Taliban regime.
Still, Boss Bush is still a vicious greedy bastard with no regard for human lives other than his own. Him and his ilk subverted our Democratic-Republic and deserve far worse than the terrorists.
2) Attack Pakistan and Saudi Arabia? ARE YOU CRAZY!!! We can barely
hold onto power in Iraq with its mere 30 million people and soldier friendly terrain. How the hell are we supposed to take on Pakistan with like 100 million people living in miserable mountains.

Actually, I think it's more like 140 million. But most of them live in flatlands, not mountains.
The combined
wealth and power of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia with require Bush to put America on war footing and mobilize the entire country. Me, a 24 year old man, would have to go fight. I'm not dying to those ungreatful SOBs. If they draft me and my fellow upper middle class friends you
better believe the ICBM's will carpet bomb those two countries off the
face of the earth cause there's no way in hell my parents or grandparents will stand for me being in the line of fire.That's pretty much all I disagree with you about right now. okay, the Tillman comic was offensive and over the top but it was also damn funny.
R.I.P. Hunter S.

Yeah, invading Pakistan and Saudi Arabia would probably have been terrible ideas. But, unlike Afghanistan and Iraq, they would have been terrible ideas that would have helped to avenge 9/11.

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