Friday, May 13, 2005

And: Wisdom of the Ages

Don writes:

Dear Ted: I am a WW2 vet and have always been aware of the horrors of war after going to France and England at the end of the war.

From the very beginning of this Iraqi war, I have been extremely upset with the death and maiming of our young soldiers, plus the damage that has been done to the poor people of Iraq. I have never thought the war was worth it and our intentions were not what I have known as the reasons we have fought wars in my time. As time goes on, the polls reveal that I was right with my first impressions of our diplomacy, as more and more people are aligning with my assessment of this mess we find ourselves in.

I look forward to your column each week, so keep up the good work. You are doing a great job and exposing some of the lies and misleading information that has been going on since Bush got in office. I can't get over how Americans have gone from being heros and liberators in WW2 to being hated and considered a bully by most of the world today. There is a lot wrong with the way we are running this great country and I hope your writings will help turn this thing around.
Keep up the good work.

God, I hope so.

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