Friday, May 13, 2005

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

And it's pretty unlikely to happen.

FOR Izzy writes:

Re "Down The Spider Hole" and whether the capture of Saddam was staged...
At this point, the presumption--based on mountains of evidence--is that ANYTHING BushCo tells us is a lie. Like the quaint, used-to-be, Constitutional, pre-UnPatriot Act of presumption of innocence, this group has earned the presumption of lying.
I get the impression they now lie even when they don't have to, just out of habit... or standard policy. So, my question would be not is it possible The Capture was staged, but why would we think it wasn't?
As with everything else, you have to ask, "Why would they do this?"
And as always, the answer is to keep the sheep (51% of the country, plus the media) following them and distracted from the horror creeping up around us . These people are rotten to the core. Their sole objective is to increase their power--at any cost--and find a way to make it permanent (e,g, the stolen 2004 election, which I think was a completely successful trial for how to eliminate any semblance of democracy permanently.

Sadly I have nothing to take issue with here. At this point the Bushies have lied so often and to such a fantastic extent that everything they say should be assumed to be untrue until it can be checked out. To paraphrase Reagan: distrust, then verify if you feel like it.

Why mainstream media types don't operate under the assumption that government officials and liars are liars is beyond me.

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