Thursday, May 12, 2005

Glorious, Glorious Sarcasm

David sarcastically notes that the Washington Post ran an Tillman expose on page one:

Regarding today's "BLACK AND WHITE AND FULL OF CRAP: Lies Run Big, Facts
Small in U.S. Media": I couldn't agree more. The only reason I learned
that Tillman was killed by friendly fire was because of a (two-part) piece
the Washington Post burried (on page A1) on consecutive days:
To be fair to the Post, they did include maps:

Thing is, that December series wasn't THE Tillman expose--the one that came out a week ago that quotes a US Army report about the deliberate COVER UP of Tillman's death by friendly fire.

More to the point, though: the way the American media in general handled both the December '04 and May '05 stories--hardly at all. The New York "Newspaper of Record" Times ran the latest cover-up story as a single paragraph as part of a national news round-up buried deep inside the paper, and they were hardly alone. Ask most Americans how Tillman died, and I guarantee you a majority still believe the original, played up lie over the subseqeueny played-down truth.

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