Monday, November 26, 2007

Cartoon for November 26

A letter writer to the New York Times recently described Attorney General/Torturer Aficionado Michael Mukasey as a man of unquestioned integrity. Editorials bemoaned Mukasey's refusal to condemn waterboarding as torture as a bizarre departure from the behavior of an otherwise swell guy.

Funny, I thought we were judged by our actions, not some media-branded PR phrase.

(By the way, McCain does use the word "gook.")

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. Yet they still revile pot smoking. Hmmmmmm....

  2. Headline: Cheney Has Irregular Heartbeat. The author left out the adjective, 'Virtual.' Forget the idea that John McCain might use the word, 'gook.' What will happen, in this minute's political correctness, if John McCain uses the word, 'noose?' Will he be forced to end his candidacy for President, resign as Senator? If Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh or George W. Bush say 'noose,' they were just joking. Stay tuned, and if anyone has an old boy-scout book with a hangman's noose, or there's a dusty, old noose in an attic somewhere, look out! The word Nazis are on the march again. Lest we forget all the ignorant celebrity types who jumped on the 'niggardly' bandwagon before checking a dictionary, if they ever opened one.
