Thursday, November 8, 2007

Cartoon for November 8

Wait. Haven't have we heard this one before?

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. Actually, I predict Musharraf is going to go the way of Diem. With a wink and a nod, the BushAdmin will tell the military it won't stand in the way of another coup.

    Meanwhile, is Bhutto the media's favorite, Washington's favorite - or both? I keep getting the feeling that there might be better candidates preferred by the Pakistanis, but we don't know about them due to the Bhutto-focus.

  2. There are. There is the second rank leadership of Bhutto's party (Pakistan People's Party - PPP) who stayed behind and took the beatings on the streets. Wikipedia Aitzaz Ahsan for one. And Imran Khan, too. And as for the cartoon, Musharraf and the army have and always are suspicious of the US Govt. They think they are taking the US gov't for a ride but who is fooling who is gonna look pretty murky, cause if the US tries to "Saddam" Musharraf:

    1)The US doesn't have thaat many resources to hurt Pakistan that won't blowback immediately in their faces.

    2) All parties are gonna get hurt bad. I mean real BAD.

  3. BTW, this is Ted's drawing of Musharraf YET.

    Pervy looks like a human in this one, unlike the decider. And a minor fact that some people agree on, when Mush and Bush stand next to each other, Musharraf looks more sane.

    Or he did until a week ago when he lost all his marbles to declare Emergency.

    Oh well. C'est La Vie...

    BTW Mush is still a war veteran and Bush :P is not.

  4. Correction: This is Ted's BEST drawing of Mushaaraf, YET.

  5. yousuf,

    LOL I Agree that Pervy looks more sane. I would venture to say that he could run this country better than Bush could. I cannot, conversely, say that Bush could run Pakistan, though. (This is really a moot point, though, since the president is not really supposed to run much of anything according to our failed constitution.)

    1) the fact that something will blow up in America's face has never detered the idiot behemoth before. What makes you think Pakistan will be any diff?

    2) not everyone gets "hurt bad" by war. The rich, and the people who start the wars usually make out like bandits. Ditto for CEOs of military contracting firms.

  6. And, just like Saddam, we are supporting Musharraf in part because of an irrational fear of one of his neighbors. (China - they're Pakistan's Iran!)

  7. This IS the best Ted drawing of Musharraf. I really appreciate the punchy absurdity in this one too.

    Ted, if you ever read this, I hope you comment on the Georgia situation soon. IIRC, you wrote about the Rose Revolution in the past, though if I'm wrong, at the very least, I'm sure you have a good amount of insight to share about former Soviet states.
