Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cartoon for January 10

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. Right on, Ted. Would that more commentators today spoke truth.

  2. ...nice one, ted. i disagree with your assessment of obama's tactics in pursuing the nomination. i think it'll work just fine, but i can understand how someone such as yourself would believe that outright fighting for the change he calls for would be necessary. your opinion, welcome to it, fine.

    ...what i take issue with is your dubbing him as "fake black". i'll put it this way, i don't know or care how many black people you know. i don't know/care how "down" with the cause you consider yourself to be. i don't know/care how upset you get about racism... you have no right to assert that someone is more/less black because of YOUR estimation of their actions. you've no right and, frankly, you should know better.

    all this "fake black" and "house nigga" and otherwise... you're on some bullshit, ted. just because you're liberal doesn't give you the right to throw around these terms. you haven't the slightest clue what it feels like and you should quit using such terms. as a black liberal, i've got to tell you it makes you look HORRIBLE.

    ...otherwise, i like your work. keep it up. just drop the "oh it's okay 'cause i'm liberal" racist shit.

  3. Kerry snubs Edwards. Hmmmmm... Now I know I'm definitely not voting for Obama. The fact that Kerry let the Bushies get away with the swift boat shenanigans is proof that he has no spine. Are we destined for a civil war?? Or will it be a pogrom?? That new 150 inch tv that was unveiled this week sure give me the Orwellian willies. I wonder how many people who throw the "Big Brother" term around, have actualy read 1984? I think we'd be suprised at how many have not. I read it every 5 years or so and KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER, EVERYTIME I READ IT!!!!

  4. Not surprised Kerry snubbed Edwards. Everything I've read indicates they dislike each other. I assume Kerry only brought him on in 04 because he's from the south.

  5. I'm disappointed that Obama didn't openly reject Kerry's "endorsement", calling him a "Skull and Bones "Brother" of Dubya and a 'fake' presidential candidate". IMHO, if he did that, he'd get a LOT of votes from both sides, and if he did get "lone gunmanned" ala Robert Kennedy this time it would spark so many grass roots "Rebellions" the country would fall apart and the "Rich Elite" would suffer worst of all.

    I think you are right; The Democrats don't really want to win. The country's messed up and headed for a sudden disaster, and they are now playing "Hot potato" with who's lap it ends up in.

  6. Kevin, stop. How is Obama black? 1)His great great grandparents were not slaves.
    2)His father is Kenyan and his mom is white.
    3)He was raised in Hawaii and Indonesia
    4)His parents and grandparents and great grandparents did not experience post-slavery history in America.

    It is not an insult, he just, quite simply, not black. Calling him black disrespects both American black history and Kenyan history (and NO they are NOT the same). Stop lumping people with the same skin color into the same group and stop calling Ted a racist just because he is one of the few people willing to call out the media on white-American self-congratulation. I repeat: OBAMA IS NOT BLACK. Spread the word.

    The real question people should be asking is this:

    Why is Obama such a pussy?

  7. Kevin--

    Calling Obama "fake black" has nothing to do with his actions. The man is biracial. He is every bit as much white as he is black. Yes, I know that in this country if you look black you are black, and Obama has always been treated as black. But that does not eliminate the fact that he is biracial and was brought up by his white family.

    I wan't personally offended at Hillary being called a fake woman, or politically offended at my candidate, John Edwards, being called a fake worker, though one of the reasons I support him is because he remembers what it's like to work for a living. Rall skewered them all equally, as a true satirist should.

    Hey, it's only a comic strip!

    Jana C.H.
    Saith JcH: He ain't Robin Hood, but he is Little John. Edwards '08

  8. I'm not a huge Hilary fan, but the attacks on her are genuinely offensive--and they don't just offend her either. For instance, the day after she won in New Hampshire, Chris Mathews opened his show by suggesting that the reason she won is because the people in NH didn't want a black president (but didn't want to say that to the pollsters). NEVER MIND the fact that women voters came out and overwhelming supported Hilary, or the fact that many of the Independents that were expected to go to Obama gravitated towards John McCain.

    Another particularly nasty comment he made was when the Des Moine Register endorsed Hilary. Mathews said it was because her husband sweet talked the paper's female editor into Endorsing Hilary.

    It's interesting how the media has jumped on Hilary over and ill conceived remark regarding LBJ and Martin Luther King. She's obviously not racist and it was dumb to say. That being said, why wasn't there similar outrage from the mainstream media when Sen. Obama traveled on his gospel tours with Donnie McClurkin, the "ex-gay" who says such lovely things as homosexuality is a curse. He didn't even try to hide the fact that this was a blatant attempt at courting black evangelicals. It was insulting.

  9. Thanks for honoring my 35th birthday with one of your best cartoons ever.

    Next time Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of the Dem appeasers give in, you should rerun this with the Generalissimo doing the kicking, the dying victim with a "US Constitution 1776-2006" t-shirt and Pelosi, Reid, et al. as those running to provide their "assistance."

    In fact, they should be depicted alongside the Generalissimo doing the kicking.

    Bunch of savages.
